Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 29 '20 fra>eng Rade du port (port) roads(tead) pro closed ok
- Jul 23 '20 eng>eng Dice unpredictable low bounce pro just_closed no
2 Jul 18 '20 fra>eng "On y va comme si on en revenait". we go about it half-heartedly, as if retracing our steps pro closed ok
- Jul 6 '20 fra>eng chien d'éveil alert/alarm (service/assistance) dog (see below) pro closed ok
- Jun 23 '20 eng>eng Naturally Ahead. ahead (in front) in a natural way pro closed ok
4 May 20 '20 fra>eng réponse de jésuite Jesuitical response pro closed ok
4 May 14 '20 eng>eng Underlying coincides with pro closed ok
- Apr 21 '20 eng>eng doesn't time pass slowly she is being sarcastic pro closed no
4 Apr 19 '20 fra>eng points épis de blé wheat-ear (cable) stitch pro closed ok
- Apr 19 '20 fra>eng pièce cocooning comfy-wrap garment pro closed ok
4 Apr 17 '20 fra>eng faire plusieurs tours (you can) wrap (it) around several times pro closed no
4 Apr 2 '20 esl>eng Tribunal de la Defensa Thesis/Dissertation Committee or Thesis/Dissertation Defense Panel pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '20 eng>eng material changes substantial/major alterations or modifications pro closed no
- Feb 18 '20 eng>eng Initial treatment at the point of use primary cleaning of the device at the location it is being used pro closed no
4 Feb 19 '20 eng>eng back-lock turn it (compression wheel) anti-clockwise until it locks pro closed ok
4 Feb 19 '20 eng>eng clipped fastened with a clip or (secured with a ) tight fastener/clasp pro closed ok
4 Jan 17 '20 eng>eng ways you can teach your children to show up for themselves methods you can use to teach your children to... pro closed ok
4 Dec 20 '19 fra>eng "portés" (offer different) ways of wearing them pro closed ok
- Dec 15 '19 esl>eng hacer una primera adaptación start bonding/start forming an attachment pro closed no
4 Dec 11 '19 eng>eng in what ways give me examples of ways pro closed ok
4 Dec 10 '19 eng>eng wired hardwired pro closed no
- Dec 9 '19 fra>eng dossier d’agrément documents submitted for approval/approval file pro closed ok
4 Dec 10 '19 fra>eng dossier de défiscalisation tax exemption file pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '19 eng>eng give the other a hundred yards yes, contradictory readings pro closed ok
- Dec 3 '19 fra>eng adjudant O.P.J Senior NCO of the judicial police pro open no
4 Nov 28 '19 eng>eng Clear out some room in your closet with a stash of chocolate make some room in your closet for a stash of chocolate pro closed no
4 Nov 28 '19 fra>eng en filigrane de with undertones of (house music) pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '19 eng>eng What do they say? New example. maybe pro closed no
4 Nov 22 '19 eng>eng What exactly is she saying? Want to bet you don't get shot, eh pro closed no
4 Nov 19 '19 eng>eng academic reasoning being able to use reason and logic pro closed ok
4 Nov 19 '19 eng>eng emotional consistency always be consistent in emotional response... pro closed no
4 Nov 15 '19 fra>eng niches à munitions ammunition recess or cache pro closed ok
4 Nov 8 '19 eng>eng you can show up early and often, as they say be proactive (rather than reactive) pro closed ok
4 Nov 7 '19 eng>eng co-parent any adult who co-parents pro closed ok
4 Nov 5 '19 eng>eng to be in relationship with people with whom they have (any) relationships pro closed ok
- Oct 31 '19 fra>eng visa par la Marine Marchande registered by the (appropriate) French maritime affairs (port) authority pro closed ok
4 Oct 31 '19 eng>eng for yourself referring to "making sense of it for yourself" pro closed ok
4 Oct 29 '19 eng>eng middle childhood 6-12 year-old age group pro closed ok
4 Oct 26 '19 eng>eng "clipped the odd kerb" cutting corners/taking short cuts pro closed ok
4 Oct 13 '19 eng>eng wallpaper muzak or background, lift/elevator music etc. pro closed ok
4 Oct 12 '19 eng>eng lead leading article/story pro closed ok
- Oct 7 '19 eng>eng clear out an overdue back-log complete all overdue tasks... pro closed no
- Sep 12 '19 eng>eng Book time in (ensure you) make time for pro closed no
4 Sep 9 '19 fra>eng aquatiques describes which name (aquatic) macrophytes pro closed no
- Sep 9 '19 fra>eng micro-algues phytoplanctoniques phytoplank algae pro closed no
- Sep 9 '19 fra>eng Les algues sont communes et colonisent les eaux plus ou moins stagnantes.... (The) algae are common and colonise stagnant water exposed to light pro closed no
- Sep 6 '19 fra>eng peste d’eau large flowered noxious or invasive waterweed, ). pro closed no
- Sep 6 '19 ita>eng conferire supply pro just_closed no
4 Aug 29 '19 eng>eng as they are reinforced because tools are made even more powerful by intelligent machines pro closed ok
4 Aug 21 '19 eng>eng preserving the old graces keeping to old traditions (traditional ways of doing things, courtesy, manners) and preserving them pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered