Requirements for translation companies

01 Business reliability

The first requirement for admittance into the program is business reliability. This is assessed through a combination of language service provider and client feedback, and consideration of relevant data from the database. Once admitted to the program, participants must maintain good track records in order to remain in the program.

02 Good citizenship

The second requirement for admittance into the program is "good citizenship". Participants must endorse and act in a manner consistent with the professional guidelines, they must accept the terms and conditions of program participation, and they must contribute to the upkeep of the program by remaining in good standing as members, in terms of membership fees, profile data, and adherence with site and program rules and regulations.

Note: professional membership is required for admittance into the Certified PRO Network for freelance translators and business membership is required for businesses; beyond that, there is no additional charge for participation.

Your PRO status
ჯერ არ არის გაგზავნილი

რაოდენობის მიხედვით

ქსელში მონაწილეთა შერჩევა ახლაც გრძელდება. დღეისთვის აქ არის:

4642 Certified PRO თავისუფალი თარჯიმანი

რას ამბობს ხალხი

The program presentation shows that it has been well thought out, with ample opportunity for discussion and feedback.
Consult Couture
შეერთებული შტატები

Everyone in the group seems so enthusiastic, and rightly so. It is perhaps the first stage in regulating the profession.
Astrid Elke Witte

I'm really looking forward to contributing to this important program, and to working with so many top professionals!
Sara Pisano