Translation glossary: DE-EN Political Terminology

Showing entries 1-50 of 51
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Arbeitskreis (pol.)working group 
German to English
Außenministerium (neut.)Foreign Office 
German to English
Überlieferung (f.)tradition 
German to English
German to English
Bürgertum (neut.)the middle classes, the bourgeoisie 
German to English
Beirat (m.)advisory council, advisory committee, advisory body 
German to English
German to English
Botschaft (f.)embassy 
German to English
Bundesregierung (f.)Federal Government 
German to English
das Stadtrecht verleihento grant a town/city charter 
German to English
German to English
dreischiffig (adj.) (church)with three naves 
German to English
EG-VertragEC Treaty 
German to English
Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländerdeveloping countries and emerging markets 
German to English
EU-OsterweiterungEU enlargement 
German to English
Europäische Wirtschaftliche InteressenvereinigungEuropean Economic Interest Grouping 
German to English
Fördersätzesubsidy rates 
German to English
Fürstentum (neut.)principality, princedom 
German to English
freier Warenverkehrfree movement of goods 
German to English
gemeinnützige Vereincharitable/non-profit-making organisation 
German to English
gemeinschaftsweitthroughout the Community 
German to English
Handelshafen (m.)trading port, commercial port 
German to English
kaiserlich (adj.)imperial 
German to English
Kleinstaat (m.)minor state 
German to English
Kleinstaaterei (f.) (Pol. hist.)particularism 
German to English
kulturgeschichtlich (adj.)concerning the history of civilisation 
German to English
kulturhistorisch (adj.)historico-cultural 
German to English
KultusministerMinister of Education and the Arts 
German to English
Kurfürstentum (neut.)electorate 
German to English
Landesregierung (f.)provincial government 
German to English
Landratsamt (neut.)(Rural) District Office 
German to English
Marktrecht (neut.) (Hist.)market rights 
German to English
Münzrecht (neut.)right of minting coins, coinage right 
German to English
Minister des InnerenHome Secretary 
German to English
Präsidium (neut.)executive committee 
German to English
Raumordnung (f.)environmental planning 
German to English
Regierungsbezirk (m.)administrative district 
German to English
Reichsschatzamt (neut.)Exchequer 
German to English
Reiterstandbild (neut.)equestrian statue 
German to English
Repräsentant (m.)representative 
German to English
Ressort (neut.)department 
German to English
Staatskanzlei (f.)state chancellory 
German to English
Staatswesen (neut.)state, body politic, commonwealth, polity 
German to English
Völkerwanderung (f.)migration of the peoples, mass exodus 
German to English
Vertrag (m.) (Pol.)treaty 
German to English
Volksaufstand (m.)popular/national uprising or revolt 
German to English
Wahlperiode; Legislaturperiodelegislative period; lifetime of a parliament 
German to English
Westfälische Friede (m.)Peace of Westphalia (1648) 
German to English
Widerspruchsgeist (m.)spirit of contradiction/non-conformity 
German to English
Wirtschaftsministerium (neut.)Ministry of Trade and Commerce 
German to English
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