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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Meet Miriam from Italy

January 25, 2023, 8:00 pm
საფრანგეთიStrasbourgIn personრეკლამა / ხალხთან ურთიერთობაფრანგული
Miriam est une étudiante Italienne.
Elle est en fin de stage au PE à Strasbourg, et terminera bientôt son Mastère en langage et communication.
Elle n'a jamais entendu parler de ProZ, probablement LE réseau social des traducteurs, plus ancien que Facebook... :-/
Se demandant si devenir traductrice indépendante serait une option viable pour elle, elle voudrait rencontrer quelques-un.e.s de nous pour avoir nos impressions sur le sujet.

Ça vous dirait de vous joindre à nous, autour d'une savoureuse "tarte flambée" et une mousse, quelquepart à Strasbourg, cette semaine ?

Pas encore de plans précis quant à la date et au lieu. Suggestions bienvenues, du momen t que ce soit en semaine, cette semaine.

Au plaisir de recevoir vos commentaires sur le sujet, et de vous revoir bientôt.

Bien à vous,



Miriam is an Italian student.
She is about to end her her practical placement at the EP in Strasbourg, and soon her Master in language and communication.
She has never heard of ProZ, maybe THE social network for translators, older than Facebook... :-/
Wondering if living as a freelance translator would be a viable option for her, she would like to know a few of us to share thoughts about the subject.

Would a bunch of you like to meet and know her, around a tasty "Flammenkuchen" and a beer, somewhere in Strasbourg, some day this week ?

No precise plan about dates and places yet, accepting suggestions, but it should be this week, definitely.

Looking forward to your feedback about the idea, and to meet you again soon.

Take care,


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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (2) / Confirmed: 0 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Martin Bruckmann  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  
Pascal Grandpierre   How about tomorrow evening (26th), or maybe Sunday evening? I would also be able to fix another day beyond this week. The "translators regulars" used to meet at Vapiano (if it still exists since COVID ;) )  m

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