No que os tradutores estão trabalhando

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Em qual projeto de tradução você está trabalhando agora?

Daniel Wieber publicado em compartilhado:

Just finished collaborating on a linguistic review for a psychology text translated from English to Arabic.


I Do That

  • inglês para árabe
  • Psychology
Daniel Wieber publicado em compartilhado:

Just finished translating 20K words, Arabic to English, for a large project involving government and medical terminology. Now I'm off to to translate an academic text in the field of psychology. Variety really is the spice of life right now!


I Do That

  • árabe para inglês
  • 20000 palavras
  • Government / Politics, Medical (general)
  • 100% completo
Daniel Wieber publicado em compartilhado:

Just finished a marketing transcreation task focused on empowering women. It was inspiring and really fun to work on!


I Do That

  • árabe para inglês
  • Marketing / Market Research
  • 100% completo
Daniel Wieber publicado em compartilhado:

I'm subtitling a presentation about study abroad programs and cultural diplomacy. I transcribed the Arabic, made them into captions, and I am now translating them into English.


I Do That

  • árabe para inglês
  • Education / Pedagogy
Daniel Wieber publicado em compartilhado:

Translating an anthology of university student writings on various topics including city life and cultural identity.


I Do That
