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Do you use facebook or twitter?
თემის ავტორი: Natali Lekka
Tom in London
Tom in London
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 07:31
წევრი (2008)
იტალიური -> ინგლისური
They know where you are Jul 27, 2015

Met police using surveillance system to monitor mobile phones


Merab Dekano
Merab Dekano  Identity Verified
ინგლისური -> ესპანური
+ ...
We're all tracked anyway Jul 27, 2015

I too was worried about being tracked. Made a number or efforts to “get more private”. Then, one day, I just got tiered. Do they want to know what I am talking about on the phone with my wife, friends, outsourcers? Let them have it. Are they interested what I am looking up on web browsers? No problem. Do they want to film me while I am crossing a street? Go ahead.

You good people claim you do not use mobile phones. I actually get calls from outsourcers who check my availability
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I too was worried about being tracked. Made a number or efforts to “get more private”. Then, one day, I just got tiered. Do they want to know what I am talking about on the phone with my wife, friends, outsourcers? Let them have it. Are they interested what I am looking up on web browsers? No problem. Do they want to film me while I am crossing a street? Go ahead.

You good people claim you do not use mobile phones. I actually get calls from outsourcers who check my availability time to time. That does not mean I have to pick up my phone if I am not available (you can turn it off, you can deactivate the sound, etc.). They could do it by email. Most of them do. Some don’t. So I carry the thing around when I’m out (and available to speak) or just put it next to my desk when I’m in. It has never bothered me. It has never gotten sick or asked for food, water or anything. In fact, it’s broken all over the places, but it's still functioning and I’m not changing it.

It might sound stupid, but picture you’re driving and had an accident. Nobody saw you. You cannot move. Mobile phone could save your life in this situation.

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 07:31
საიტის წევრი
ჰოლანდიური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
Yes, and I think it's a good thing too. Jul 28, 2015

Tom in London wrote:

Met police using surveillance system to monitor mobile phones


The police here in East Sussex use the info they gather to catch criminals. I wish them only the best of luck!

I have no pretensions regarding my importance. They can have all my data. Every last silly Facebook photo and text message to my wife about what our dog did today.

The Melv

[Edited at 2015-07-28 01:30 GMT]

Tom in London
Tom in London
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 07:31
წევრი (2008)
იტალიური -> ინგლისური
Chap Jul 28, 2015

Michael Beijer wrote:

They can have all my data.

Really? Bank details, everything? And all the data of everyone with whom you communicate? You're clearly a very law-abiding chap.

[Edited at 2015-07-28 07:13 GMT]

Inga Petkelyte
Inga Petkelyte  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:31
ლიტვიური -> პორტუგალური
+ ...
My question Jul 28, 2015

Say, I don't have what to hide. Even so, my private life is my private life.
Yet my question here is - are those with the access to our sensitive information, codes, bank accounts etc., are they very law-abiding chaps? Always, now and afterwards?

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 07:31
საიტის წევრი
ჰოლანდიური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
It's a trade-off Jul 28, 2015

Tom in London wrote:

Michael Beijer wrote:

They can have all my data.

Really? Bank details, everything? And all the data of everyone with whom you communicate? You're clearly a very law-abiding chap.

[Edited at 2015-07-28 07:13 GMT]

The local police here in Hastings can definitely have my text messages and tap my calls. I have nothing to hide, and if it helps keep my neighbourhood safe for me and my family, I have no problem with it. It's a trade-off of course, but one that I'm willing to make. Of course, such things should be properly regulated by the government, police, etc. – but that’s another story altogether.

My bank details? Sure, why not. They're not exactly interesting reading and of no use to anyone. However, if it helps the police spot money laundering, tax evasion, drug money, and other illegal activity, again, why the heck not?

Emails? Sure, why not? How interesting are my emails? Not very.


We need to make a distinction here between (1) someone accessing my personal information and using it for things that would harm me (or my clients), and (2) using it for things that might improve my environment, and have no effect whatsoever on me (tap my phone so they can catch a local drug dealer, e.g.).

It is very easy to get all ideological about this, but I prefer to remain pragmatic. I'm no longer in university, reading Marx. I am nearly 40 and have a 3-month-old baby girl.

[Edited at 2015-07-28 12:41 GMT]

George Hopkins
George Hopkins
Local time: 08:31
შვედური -> ინგლისური
No Jul 29, 2015

I found them mainly a waste of time.

If people are interested they do answer emails.

Local time: 08:31
ინგლისური -> ფრანგული
Facebook 0% - Twitter 100% Jul 30, 2015

I am going to risk sounding unprofessional here maybe but the truth is I have made the deliberate choice not to use Facebook professionally, because I simply hate the platform.

Besides, I do not think Facebook is that suitable for promoting freelance translation services. Not as much as LinkedIn is at least. So the quick answer here by all means is Twitter, a 100%.

Facebook Oct 4, 2015

I prefer to use Facebook. I don't use it all the time because I found that sometimes it is a waste of time.
But it can also be interesting. You can have contact with people that you don't see a lot but my opinion is: it is better to see the people face on face than talk to them on social media.

groups Nov 27, 2015

I found, just join specific group on Facebook.I found few offers there

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Do you use facebook or twitter?

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