Translation glossary: Film terms

Showing entries 1-50 of 374
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180° RuleThis is the rule which states that if two people are filmed in a sequence there is an invisible line between them and the camera should only be posit 
3,200K3,200K is the color temperature of Tungsten. 
5,400Kis the color temperature of Daylight. 
AWind and BWind This is the emulsion position of the film. There are two possibilities, just as there are two sides to a piece of film. Camera origina 
A Wrap or “It’s a Wrap!”What to say when you are done shooting, either for the day, at that particular set, or on the entire film. Usually if it’s not the final shoot you wo 
A&B RollsThe negative of an edited film, cut to correspond to picture, built into 2 rolls, A and B, to allow for invisible splices, instant changes of the tim 
A.D.R.Automated Dialogue Recording. This is just Dubbing, done in addition to or as a substitution for Location Sound. The term A.D.R., being something of 
A.S.A.This is the sensitivity to light of a particular type of film. It is the specific number used to measure Film Speed. It is the same as I.E. and I.S.O 
Academy ApertureIn 35mm this is the full frame exposed by the camera, with an aspect ratio of 1.33. When the film is projected there is a mask in the projector’s gat 
Academy LeaderThis is standard countdown leader, counting down 8 to 3 and then with one frame of 2, at which point there is a single frame beep on the sound track. 
AnamorphicA method of creating a wide screen image with standard film, using a special lens on the camera and projector that compresses the width of the image 
Answer PrintThis is the first corrected print made from the A&B Rolls, printed with the optical track. It is sometimes called a married print because it is the f 
ApertureThis is the same as the Iris. 
Apple BoxThis is a wooden box, often helpful on the set to raise up equipment, for the cameraperson to stand on if the tripod is up very high etc. Often you w 
ArmA metal rod that is attached to a CStand which can extend off to the side. 
Aspect RatioThe proportions of the frame. In 16mm and 35mm the camera photographs a slightly square image, with an aspect ratio of 1.33 to 1. Aspect Ratios are u 
BWind see AWind. 
BackwindRewinding film in the camera to shoot a Double Exposure. 
Balance StripeA second stripe found on 35mm stripe mag stock and super8 sound film to prevent warping. 
BarndoorsHandy blinders on the sides of lights that can be used to keep light from going everywhere. They can also be used to clip on a lighting gel. They get 
BarneyA quilted cozy that fits around a camera to reduce camera noise. Generally it is only effective on a camera that is pretty quiet to begin with. The t 
BaseFilm has two basic elements: The base is the clear, perforated strip, and the emulsion is the thin, lightsensitive layer that is glued onto it. 
BayonetA type of lens mount commonly used with heavier lenses, such as zoom lenses. In contrast to screwmount lenses, bayonet lenses are attached to the cam 
Best LightSimilar to a One Light, but by implication, the timer has gone through the film more thoroughly in selecting a timing light that will agree with the 
Binsee Trim Bin. 
Black Leader or Black Emulsion LeaderBlack leader is black, opaque film, often specifially called black emulsion leader. It is what the negative cutter uses when preparing A&B rolls. It 
BlimpA fiberglass housing used to encase a noisy camera to make it suitable for sync sound filming. 
Blimped Camera or SelfBlimped Camera The term is used not to mean a camera in a blimp, but a camera that is designed with internal soundproofing without the need for an ex 
Blow DownThe actual term for the opposite of a blow up is a Reduction Print, but this term has been coined by Colorlab in Rockville, Maryland, for a reduction 
Blow UpAn optical enlargement of a film from one gauge to another, such as 16mm up to 35mm. The opposite of a blow up is a Reduction Print. 
BolexOne of the more widely used 16mm nonsync cameras, it is made in Switzerland by the Paillard Company. There are many varieties, nonreflex, reflex, spr 
Bounce CardA white or silver card used for soft indirect lighting of the subject by bouncing light off the card. Can also be used to provide a gentle brightenin 
BracketingThe filming of several takes of the same shot at different fstops to achieve the desired result. Usually this technique is applied to shooting titles 
CMount A screw mount type of lens, commonly used on smaller 16mm cameras, like the Bolex. 
CStand A type of light stand with fixed legs that swing out, or together when not in use, usually equipped with an arm, and typically used to hold a f 
C.R.Abbreviation for Camera Roll. 
C.T.B.C.T.B. stands for Color Temperature Blue. This is an abbreviation for the color correction gels used in lighting to convert the color temperature fro 
C.T.O.C.T.O. stands for Color Temperature Orange. This is an abbreviation for the color correction gels used in lighting to convert the color temperature f 
Cable SyncA somewhat archaic method of sync sound shooting, where a cable runs from a Pilottone generator in the camera to the tape recorder. 
Camera CoreA 2 inch Core. 
Camera NoiseThe sound of the camera running. Even supposedly quiet cameras will make some noise. 
Camera OriginalA slightly more adamant way of saying Original. 
Camera ReportsA form of paperwork used to log shots and takes and put down any notes either to the lab or for future organization in the editing stage. There is ge 
Camera RollEach roll that you shoot becomes a camera roll. It is often helpful to label them with a number in the order that they were shot. The usual way is wi 
Camera StockThis is film. It is also called camera stock to distinguish it from Print Stock. 
Camera TapeCloth tape specifically for use on film shoots, much like gaffer’s tape. Camera tape is typically 1 inch wide and white so that it can be used togeth 
Canted Anglesee Dutch Tilt. 
Cement SpliceA type of splice used primarily by negative cutters. In a cement splice the two pieces of film overlap each other and are fused together with film ce 
Changing BagA double chambered black bag with a zipper on one end and two elasticized arm holes on the other side, used for loading film into magazines. 
Check PrintThis is a print made from an internegative or an optical to verify the quality and success of an effect. 
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