Virtual memoQ Day 2014 May 28, 2014 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (1,610) (Members shown first) |
 Checked in | | GD-School of Translation and Foreign Languages, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland, Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIoL), 26 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Olga Korobenko  Thorough investigation for small details ესპანეთი Native in რუსული  , უკრაინული  Freelancer | Kiev Taras Shevchenko University, MA-Kiev Taras Shevchenko University, ACEtt, ASETRAD, 29 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Emilie Hentges  Engineer and translator, SFT, BDÜ Native in ფრანგული  Freelancer | Institut de Traducteurs, Interprètes et de Relations Internationales, MA-ITI-RI Strasbourg, France, 17 years of experience |
|  Checked in | pjg111  As an expert I work for endusers like me Native in ფრანგული Freelancer | 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | anamouga  გაერთიანებული სამეფო Native in პორტუგალური (Variant: European/Portugal)  Freelancer | 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Karel Sobota  ბრაზილია Native in პორტუგალური (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | Brasillis, ATA, ABRATES, 26 years of experience |
|  Checked in | LaetitiaP  Ingeniera y traductora ესპანეთი Native in ფრანგული  , ესპანური  Freelancer | INSA de Lyon, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, 22 years of experience |
|  Checked in | PNowosad  პოლონეთი Freelancer and outsourcer | |
|  Checked in | | MA-Macquarie University, 40 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Persian Gulf University BA, MA-Shiraz University, 20 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Hayrullah Dogan  My sole occupation for 30 years თურქეთი Native in თურქული Freelancer | Bogazici University, ÇevBir, 29 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Daniele Heinen  Nomad and Translator კანადა Native in ფრანგული (Variants: Standard-France, Canadian) Freelancer | American Translators Association, OTTIAQ (Quebec), McGill University, OTHER-McGill U, Montréal, 33 years of experience |
|  Checked in | NPruppi  Native in უნგრული  Freelancer | |
|  Checked in | Rita Dahl  Conocimientos basados en la experiencia ესპანეთი Native in გერმანული  , ესპანური  Freelancer | 34 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Magaly Rocha  Translator/Subtitler/Reviewer ნიდერლანდები Native in პორტუგალური (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | Brazil: UFPE (BA degree), OTHER-Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil |
|  Checked in | kirkau  FI-EN-FI medical translator ფინეთი Native in ფინური | Bio: Medical & Life Sciences translator, Finnish-English-Finnish
Sworn translator Finnish-English
12 years of experience as full-time medical translator |
|  Checked in | Lea Lozančić  EU Conference Interpreter Native in ხორვატული  , იტალიური  Freelancer | Sapienza - Università di Roma, University of Zagreb , OTHER-Postgraduate studies in Conference Interpreting, Association of Court Interpreters and Translators, United Nations Volunteers, 10 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Haike Falkenberg (X)  Currently not available, sorry. გერმანია Native in გერმანული  Freelancer | Bio: German native writer, book editor and translator with long experience and a certain passion for proofreading.
|  Checked in | | GD-Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 10 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Gonzalo Astorga  ჩილე Native in ესპანური (Variants: Mexican, Standard-Spain, Argentine, Latin American, Chilean)  Freelancer | Bio: German and French to Spanish Translator | Proofreader | Technology & Science | Chemistry - Environment - Renewable Energies |
|  Checked in | harbasz  ლუქსემბურგი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, OTHER-School of Translation, Interpreting and Languages, AMU, Poznan, Poland, TEPIS, 25 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Zhai Kebing  Translation is a solemn promise. ჩინეთი Native in ჩინური (Variant: Simplified) Freelancer | China CET6, BA-SHIJIAZHUANG TIEDAO UNIVERSITY, TAC, 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Percy Balemans (X)  Transcreation & Creative Translations ნიდერლანდები Native in ჰოლანდიური (Variant: Netherlands) Freelancer | School of Translation and Interpreting, NL, Chartered Institute of Linguists, Netherlands Society of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV), BA- , 24 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Bio: Sworn translator (Ministry of Justice of Romania) for English, French and Russian |
|  Checked in | Mitra Mousavi  A Certified PRO! ირანი Native in ირანული (სპარსული)  Freelancer | MA-Allameh Tabatabai'e university,Iran., MA-Allameh Tabatabaii' University, 21 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Sara Negro  Say it with... a Sunflower :o) იტალია Native in იტალიური Freelancer | Istituto Tecnico per Periti Aziendali e Corrispond, Institut de Traducteurs, Interprètes et de Relations Internationales, MA-ITI-RI Université Marc Bloch Strasbourg II, 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | ITNM, OTHER-ITNM (Malaysian Institute of Translation), 19 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | ALTA Certificate of Proficiency, ATA, ITA, 27 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Lei Chang  გაერთიანებული სამეფო Native in ჩინური (Variants: Mandarin, Simplified)  | MA-the University of Sheffield, 12 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Derek Ferrari-Frankland (X)  jetzt im Ruhestand/now retired გაერთიანებული სამეფო Native in ინგლისური Freelancer | Bio: Responsible for CAT tools, terminology and technical content support. With ISSELservice since its foundation in 2006. Message: I missed the memoQFest again so I am looking forward to this virtual alternative! |
|  Checked in | M.J. van den End (X)  experienced, sworn, the extra mile ნიდერლანდები Native in ჰოლანდიური Freelancer | Bio: Translating from English and German into Dutch - and mostly legal stuff at that - since time immemorial. Message: Am a novice when it boils down to memoQ, so please enlighten me. |
|  Checked in | | Bio: Freelance translator - English and French into Spanish. Interested mainly in audiovisual translation. |
|  Checked in | | University of Granada, BA-University of Granada (Spain), 26 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Ildikó Nagypál  English-Hungarian legal translator უნგრეთი Native in უნგრული Freelancer | University of Szeged, GD-University of Szeged, Hungary, 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Fussillat  Quality that matters! ეგვიპტე Native in არაბული  | MA-Erlangen-Nürnberg Universität, 25 years of experience |
|  Checked in | VIBOL KEO  Your Green Bridge For English To Khmer Native in ხმერი (Khmer)  Freelancer | OTHER-ACE & Others, 30 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Samira B  English-French translator საფრანგეთი Native in ფრანგული  Freelancer | MA-Université Denis Diderot, Paris VII, 13 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Saarland University, MA-Saarland University, 11 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Camera di Commercio CCIAA di Torino, Chartered Institute of Linguists, MA-Università degli Studi di Torino, Chamber of Commerce of Turin, Italy, Dept of Translators and Int, , 38 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Exchange abroad under the Erasmus Programme, OTHER-High School Diploma in Foreign Languages with full marks, AITI, Rome Chamber of Commerce Register of Experts, 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Ovidiu Martin Jurj  Always forwards, never backwards! რუმინეთი Native in რუმინული  , გერმანული  Freelancer | Romanian Ministry of Justice, MA-Universität Bukarest, Uniunea Naţională a Traducătorilor Autorizaţi din România, 25 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Diego Sánchez  Engineer and Technical Translator ესპანეთი Native in ესპანური  , კატალანური  Freelancer | Message: Hi |
|  Checked in | | 24 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Elizabeth Matthews  fast, accurate and efficient გაერთიანებული სამეფო Native in ინგლისური Freelancer | Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Chartered Institute of Linguists, Heriot Watt University, BA-Heriot-Watt University, ITI, CIOL, 49 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | MA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 19 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Hannah Keet  DE-EN, FR-EN marketing translator გაერთიანებული სამეფო Native in ინგლისური (Variant: British)  Freelancer | University of Exeter, MA-University of Exeter, 13 years of experience |
|  Checked in | James Pelow  Irish Language Translation Solutions ირლანდია Native in ირლანდიური  , ინგლისური (Variant: Irish)  Freelancer | Foras na Gaeilge Accreditation, University of Dublin, Trinity College, National University of Ireland, OTHER-Foras na Gaeilge Accredited, 16 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Jesué Rocha  Insight in technical translation ბრაზილია Native in პორტუგალური (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | Brasillis Idiomas, OTHER-Brasillis Idiomas, 10 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | DALF (Diploma in Advanced French Language Studies), Universidad del Salvador, Facultad de Filosofía, Historia y Letras, Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas "Juan Ramón Fernández", MA-MA in French-Spanish Institutional Translation (Universidad de Alicante); BA in Certified English-Spanish Translation (Universidad del Salvador); Diploma in English-Spanish Technical & Scientific Translation (Instituto Superior en Lenguas Vivas), 16 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Ivayvelev  academic and specialized translations ბულგარეთი Native in ბულგარული  Freelancer | Bio: I have worked as an interpreter of the Swedish adolescence rowing team at the European championship in Sofia. I was the interpreter of two Finnish engineers at the Belmeken cascade. I have translated books and legal documents. I have been working as a teacher at the So...uth-West University in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria since 1995.More Less Message: Hi everyone. I would like to join the conference that will be useful for me and for everybody, I hope. |
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