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Vladimir Alekseev, MCIL
Top-Level Legal Translations

მშობლიური ენა: რუსული Native in რუსული
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Top-Level Legal and Financial Translations
with in-depth expertise in the industries served

Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists, UK (MCIL CL). Residing in Europe.

Over 20 years of translation experience, English to Russian and Russian to English (native level), Ukrainian, Serbian.

Solid understanding of US and EU legal frameworks, good knowledge of specialized legal concepts and terminology. Translation of highly complex legal / investment / financial content and general business documentation: 

  • International arbitration documents (LCIA, ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, SIAC, and the Swiss Arbitration Rules) and other litigation-related documents: pleadings, witness statements, court judgments, transcripts etc;
  • Financial / investment / banking documents (M&A documentation, SHAs, term sheets, escrow agreements, etc), financial statements, auditor's opinions;
  • Contracts, expert reports, compliance documents, corporate policies, board presentations, annual reports;
  • Government publications, laws/regulations, analytics, policy documents;
  • Specifications, tender documentation, feasibility studies, surveys.
  • e-Learning: compliance, sanctions, anti-bribery etc.

Major end clients include:

  • Top-tier international law firms;
  • Investment banks; 
  • Major local companies and multinationals: Telecom, IT, Oil/Gas, Power Engineering;
  • EU institutions, international organizations;

Recent professional highlights:

Translation of extradition documents in a criminal case. Witness statements, expert reports, applicable regulations and case law etc. 150k words; 

Translation of corporate training content for a major e-Learning provider: Compliance, Sanctions, Anti-Bribery, Ethics, Procurement etc. 500k words; 

Translation of various documents for luxury real estate developer in the Middle East. Over 200 pages of legal documentation + end-client luxury marketing brochures; 

- Translation of documents for a law firm representing one of the parties in a high-profile divorce case (UK); 180k words; 

Translation of a number of U.S. Tax Guides for citizens and aliens; over 250k words; 

- Translation of pleadings in a major case heard in the High Court of Justice (UK); over 150 000 words;

Translation of court transcripts (shareholder dispute arbitration, LCIA); over 75k words; 

- Numerous case files for a major UK-based law firm. Over 250,000 words. Translation of witness statements, financial documentation, accounting records;

- Translation of legal documents for a UK-based law firm handling a major litigation involving the government of a CIS country;

- Translation of investor relations strategy (pre-IPO) prepared by a leading UK consultancy for a major Russian industrial group;

- Ongoing work for the New York branch of one of the world's leading global law firms. Translation of legal and financial documents, expert opinions etc.;

More about me:

I am bilingual, and have the required experience and language fluency to create near-perfect English content. I work with other Slavic languages like Serbian, Czech, Croatian, Polish, and run a boutique translation agency for ex-USSR languages. Please contact me for rates and details.

I'm able to meet tight deadlines, and work best under pressure, so rush jobs involving work outside regular hours are no problem.

I can use most of the available CAT tools if needed, and have significant experience of global teamwork. 

Member, Chartered Linguist of CIOL, UK’s leading association for language professionals.


ამ მომხმარებელს დაეწერა KudoZ ქულები, რადგან მოეხმარა სხვა თარჯიმნებს პროფ. დონის ტერმინების თარგმნაში. დააწკაპუნეთ ქულებზე, ნათარგმი ტერმინების დასათვალიერებლად.

მიღებული ქულების საერთო რაოდენობა: 2694
პროფ. დონის ქულები: 2666

ძირითადი ენები (პროფ.)
ინგლისური -> რუსული2019
რუსული -> ინგლისური608
ჩეხური -> ინგლისური15
სლოვაკური -> ინგლისური12
უკრაინული -> ინგლისური8
ქულები კიდევ 1 ენათა წყვილში >
ძირითადი ზოგადი სფეროები (პროფ.)
ქულები კიდევ 4 სფეროში >
ძირითადი კონკრეტული სფეროები (პროფ.)
სამართალი (ზოგადი)668
სამართალი: კონტრაქტ(ებ)ი:473
ფინანსები (ზოგადი)283
ბიზნესი/კომერცია (ზოგადი)256
მარკეტინგი / ბაზრის შესწავლა126
IT (ინფორმაციული ტექნოლოგია)88
ქულები კიდევ 49 სფეროში >

იხ. ყველა მოგებული ქულა >
საკვანძო სიტყვები: Academy of Sciences, accounting statements, addendum, ADR, ADS, aerodynamics, agreement, agency agreement, AGM, aircraft engineering. See more.Academy of Sciences, accounting statements, addendum, ADR, ADS, aerodynamics, agreement, agency agreement, AGM, aircraft engineering, amendment, anti-bribery, anticorruption, antitrust, APEC, arbitration proceedings, ARPU, ASEAN, asset management, asset swap transaction, assets revaluation, associated petroleum gas, auditor opinion, auditor report, authorized capital, backbone network, backhaul, back-to-back agreement, bad debt provisions, balance sheet, base profit, base station, Basel, behind-the-pipe reserves, benchmarking, beneficial owner, beneficiary, Bermuda, BES, best industrial practices, billing increment, blackberry, board member performance, board of directors, BoD, bonds, bribery act, BRICS, British Virgin Islands, bylaws, CAGR, call option, capex, capex requirements, capital turnover ratio, capital markets, carbon-in-pulp, carrier, case study, cash consideration, cash flow, CEE, CES, CFO, charter, charter capital, churn rate, CIL, CIP, claim handling, class action, code of corporate conduct, COG, COGS, collateral, combined reserves, commercial launch, compliance assessment, computational studies, computer simulation, concerted practice, concession agreement, confidentiality agreement, conflict of interest policy, consolidated financial statements, contingency plan, contract for difference, co-operation agreement, coordination agreement, core assets, core network, corporate finance, cost center, cost of capital, coupon yield, credit agreement, credit ratings, CSTO, customs union, cut-off grade, Cyprus, data income, data tariffs, data traffic, debt commitments, debentures, declaration of intent, declared dividends, definitive feasibility study, derivatives, design documents, detailed engineering, dilution losses, dispute resolution, distribution agreement, divestiture, doctrine, draft resolution, due diligence, earnings per share, EBITDA, EBRD, EDGE, EDMS, EEA, EIA, EMEA, emerging markets, engagement letter, enterprise resource planning, environmental impact analysis, environmental impact study, EPC, EPCI, EPSCC, equity, escrow agreement, EU, EurAsEC, EURIBOR, experimental methods, experimental studies, exploratory drilling, exposure, FCPA, FDI, feasibility study, facility agreement, FEED, FFMS, FIDIC, financial investment, financial statements, fixed business, fixed services, fixed-mobile convergence, floating production unit, flotation, foreign exchange, FPU, framework agreement, free float, front-end engineering and design, FSU, funded pensions, Gazprom, GDP, geological survey, good practices, governance, government relations, GPRS traffic, grade control, gross margin, guidelines, HAZID, HAZOP, heap leaching, hedge funds, HPMN, HSDPA, HSE, HSEQ, hub-to-hub agreement, IAEA, IAS, IFC, IFRS, IFRS, IMSI, incumbent, indemnity, indicated resources, injunction, inferred resources, intellectual property rights, intellectual property, inter operator tariff, interconnect, inter-governmental agreement, interim reporting, internal audit, international roaming services, investment banking, investment management, investment strategy, invitation for comments, IOT, IPO, ISDA, ISP, joint venture, JORC, jurisdiction, key performance indicator, KPI, lawsuit, legal fees, legal opinion, letter of acceptance, letter of tender, LIBOR, life of mine, hydrocarbons, letter of credit, limited liability company, liquidation, liquidity, litigation, LLC, loan facility, long-term incentives, license agreement, LTE, MA, major transaction, management company, MAP, market capitalization, measured resources, media coverage report, memorandum of understanding, mergers & acquisitions, MET tax, MIA, MICEX, mineral resource estimate, mineral resources, minutes of meeting, mobile network, mobile services, mobility services, monetary policy, money laundering, mortgage agreement, mortgage securities, MOU, MSCI, MVNO, net profit ratio, network hierarchy, network management centre, non-binding offer, non-core assets, non-disclosure agreement, NPV, nuclear power, numerical methods, OECD, offshore, offshore field, OIBDA, oil and gas development, oil equivalent, oil production, oil products, open pit mining, open subscription, operating results, operations, operating performance, ore, ore processing, OSCE, OTC market, over-the-top, P&L statement, peer group comparison, performance assessment, pension plan, petroleum products, pledge, pledge agreement, policy brief, policy document, portfolio investment, power grid, power of attorney, pre-feasibility study, pre-FEED, pregnant solution, press release, private pension funds, profit center, project management, Prosecutor General's Office, prospection, PSTN, put option, quality assurance, quality management, quality policy, R&D, RAS, RAS statements, real estate, reconciliation, recoverable resources, request for proposal, regulations, related party transaction, resin-in-pulp processing, return on investment, revised position, risk weighted assets, roaming rock quality designation, ROI Rosneft, RTS, run-of-mine, RWA, S&P, scheme of arrangement, securitization, seismic works, service level agreement, SEC, services contract, settlement agreement, shares, share appraisal, share capital, share certificate, shareholders, shareholders meeting, Shtokman, sovereign ceiling, SPIEF, spin-off, SPOT market, state savings bonds, state-guaranteed securities, statement of work, stock option plan, subscriber additions, subscriber identity module, subsidiaries and associates, supplementary agreement, swap, swap ratio, SWOT analysis, takeover, taxation system, technical specifications, telecom, telecommunication network, terms and conditions, terms of reference, trilateral agreement, top line, UMTS, UN, unit fund, upper composite, uranium development, uranium mining, US GAAP, value added services, value at risk, value chain, VAR, VAT, Vodafone, Voice over IP, VoIP, volatile organic compound, VPMN, WACC, wealth management, well logging, well testing, wholesale electricity market, witness statement, WLAN, workshop, WPPP, WTO, russian-english translation, english-russian translation, translation from english into russian, translation from russian into english, translation of russian laws, urgent translation, rush translation, russian translation services, . See less.

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Feb 18