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The new WWA page and FAQs have been released
თემის ავტორი: Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:41
წევრი (2006)
ინგლისური -> ესპანური
Apr 7, 2008

Dear members,

As was announced last week in this forum and in the newsletter, a new page dedicated to WWA and a revised version of the FAQs related to Willingness to Work Again were released today.

You can also find the WWA page by going to the My ProZ.com tab, My WWA at the top of the page.

Most of the i
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Dear members,

As was announced last week in this forum and in the newsletter, a new page dedicated to WWA and a revised version of the FAQs related to Willingness to Work Again were released today.

You can also find the WWA page by going to the My ProZ.com tab, My WWA at the top of the page.

Most of the improvements on this new page were suggested by members eager to improve this feature. Many thanks for the good ideas and for your patience.

The page displays on the left a couple of links related to help information and an updated statistic on WWA entries given to users and a total of users who received WWA entries.

The main section of the page contains 4 tabs dedicated to:
  • Overview
  • Requesting WWA entries from outsourcers
  • Providing WWA entries to service providers
  • My WWA entries/requests

The tabs to request and provide entries will provide enhanced search mechanisms.

The "provide" tab will also give outsourcers a way to provide positive feedback to several ProZ.com users at once, without the need to visit each profile separately.

Outsourcers visiting the page will also be invited to make positive entries for the ProZ.com translators with whom they have worked and with whom they would work again.

As stipulated in the initial announcement, only positive feedback is possible at the moment.

Use of the WWA system is entirely optional, as users can toggle display of the WWA box in their profiles on and off at will, as suits their purposes for marketing.

Users can also withdraw from participating in ProZ.com's feedback systems, including WWA and the Blue Board.

ProZ.com will continue to look for ways to make the WWA feature even more useful for outsourcers and freelancers alike.

Please let us know of any problems you find while using the page, or your suggestions to improve it.

Thanks to our members for supporting the site.


Vishakha Kulkarni
chaabane dahoua
samira abdous
Md Islam
Ali AbdUllah Ibrahim
Khaled Elmasri
Konstantin Kisin
Konstantin Kisin  Identity Verified
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Local time: 11:41
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initial feedback Apr 7, 2008

First of all, good work guys.

Secondly, I spotted a minor issue under the "Request WWA entries from outsourcers you've made Blue Board entries for" heading, which is that it says "Provide WWA" not "Request WWA" (the actual functionality of this option appears to be as intended).


samira abdous
Basem Masre
Ali AbdUllah Ibrahim
Katalin Horváth McClure
Katalin Horváth McClure  Identity Verified
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 06:41
წევრი (2002)
ინგლისური -> უნგრული
+ ...
Some corrections needed Apr 7, 2008

This doesn't sound right:
"Would you leave a Blue Board to this Outsourcer"

Shouldn't it be
"Would you like to leave a Blue Board comment/entry to this Outsourcer?"

And the question in the left side box:
"Why this is important for me?"

Shouldn't it be
"Why is this important for me?"

[Edited at 2008-04-07 22:06]

Ebenya Emmanuel
Suzan Gendy
Ali AbdUllah Ibrahim
Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:11
გერმანული -> ინგლისური
Further questions Apr 8, 2008

First of all, thanks for the improvements to this feature.

On my WWA page I find that the names of two outsourcers have already been entered under "Request WWA." One of them has already provided me with a WWA entry and the other one is actually a direct client that I listed in my Project History and whose name has been taken from there.

My questions:

1) Can an outsourcer provide more than one WWA entry?

2) Can direct clients who are not regist
... See more
First of all, thanks for the improvements to this feature.

On my WWA page I find that the names of two outsourcers have already been entered under "Request WWA." One of them has already provided me with a WWA entry and the other one is actually a direct client that I listed in my Project History and whose name has been taken from there.

My questions:

1) Can an outsourcer provide more than one WWA entry?

2) Can direct clients who are not registered with ProZ.com now provide WWA entries or is this still restricted to registered ProZ.com users?

Thanks and regards,

Ali AbdUllah Ibrahim
Claudia Digel
Claudia Digel  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:41
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Further spelling/grammar issue Apr 8, 2008

Hi Enrique,

I have decided not to display WWA in my profile, and on the My WWA entries/requests tab I can see the following string:

Your WWA is hidden the profile. Click here to show my WWA.

Shouldn't this be "Your WWA is hidden in the profile. Click here to show your WWA."?

Best regards,

Jaroslaw Michalak
Jaroslaw Michalak  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:41
წევრი (2004)
ინგლისური -> პოლონური
No pending requests? Apr 8, 2008

Contrary to what the page says, I cannot see the pending requests (neither those I've made before the new layout nor the new ones)...

Edit: they can be seen (entries from the last two months), but on the "Request WWA Entries", and not on the tab titled "My WWA entries/requests" (although the description says: "From this page you can see all the WWA entries that you have provided and received, and requests for WWA entries that you have sent").

This is slightly co
... See more
Contrary to what the page says, I cannot see the pending requests (neither those I've made before the new layout nor the new ones)...

Edit: they can be seen (entries from the last two months), but on the "Request WWA Entries", and not on the tab titled "My WWA entries/requests" (although the description says: "From this page you can see all the WWA entries that you have provided and received, and requests for WWA entries that you have sent").

This is slightly confusing...

[Edited at 2008-04-08 09:14]

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:41
წევრი (2006)
ინგლისური -> ესპანური
თემის ავტორი
Delayed reply Apr 22, 2008

Niraja Nanjundan wrote:

First of all, thanks for the improvements to this feature.

On my WWA page I find that the names of two outsourcers have already been entered under "Request WWA." One of them has already provided me with a WWA entry and the other one is actually a direct client that I listed in my Project History and whose name has been taken from there.

My questions:

1) Can an outsourcer provide more than one WWA entry?

2) Can direct clients who are not registered with ProZ.com now provide WWA entries or is this still restricted to registered ProZ.com users?

Thanks and regards,

Hi Niraja,

I apologize for my delayed reply. Thanks for reporting the bug above!

Regarding your questions:

1) An outsourcer can provide only one WWA entry for a service provider

2) Outsourcers who want to provide WWA feedback are still required to have a profile in the site and to be logged-in.

Best regards,

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:41
წევრი (2006)
ინგლისური -> ესპანური
თემის ავტორი
Thanks! Apr 22, 2008

Thanks a lot Konstantin, Katalin, Claudia and Jabberwock for your excellent feedback.

I would like to thank also the many service providers and outsourcers who have used this page to request, get and provide WWA feedback.

Thanks also to our members for supporting the site.


Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:41
წევრი (2006)
ინგლისური -> ესპანური
თემის ავტორი
What are my options regarding the visibility of my WWA entries? Apr 25, 2008

This information has just been added to the FAQs at http://www.proz.com/faq/WWA#WWA_visibility

WWA information is displayed in the upper right corner of your profile. There are three options for the visibility of this information:

a) Entries visible only to the profile owner

This is the default condition. Profiles are created this setting already in place.

This is how the feature will appear in a new profile which has not received WWA entries:

After receiving WWA entries, you will see this:

... while a visitor will see:

b) Entries visible to visitor

If you choose to click on the "Show to visitors" button, you will see:

And now visitors to your profile will be able to see the entries:

Clicking on the number of entries will open a box where detailed information about the entries will be displayed.

c) WWA hidden from owner

If you have chosen to hide your WWA entries from visitors to your profile, you can also make the feature invisible for you. To do this, just click on the "Hide from me" button. All that will be visible then is a button which you can use to make the WWA feature visible again if you choose so in the future.

So in this case you will see:

And a visitor to your profile will see no trace of WWA:

Walter Landesman
Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:41
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highlighted Apr 25, 2008

Hi Enrique,

Yes, this looks much better now. And the feature is highlighted, which is more useful.

Thank you and saludos

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:41
წევრი (2006)
ინგლისური -> ესპანური
თემის ავტორი
WWA entry number 10,000 was provided today May 14, 2008

Since its release the WWA page has been widely used to request and to provide Willingness to Work Again feedback.

Among the more than a hundred WWA entries provided today within the system, one of them reached the 10,000 mark.

So far, 4,641 freelancers have received WWA feedback.
... See more
Since its release the WWA page has been widely used to request and to provide Willingness to Work Again feedback.

Among the more than a hundred WWA entries provided today within the system, one of them reached the 10,000 mark.

So far, 4,641 freelancers have received WWA feedback.

Kind regards,

Catherine GUILLIAUMET  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:41
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Institutional and universally well-known outsourcers ?? !!!!PAS D'ACCORD May 31, 2008

Niraja Nanjundan wrote:

2) Can direct clients who are not registered with ProZ.com now provide WWA entries or is this still restricted to registered ProZ.com users?

Then, Enrique wrote:

2) Outsourers who want to provide WWA feedback are still required to have a profile in the site and to be logged-in.

Hi all,
Of course, congratulations for your fantastic efforts.
Though, I must say that I don't agree at all with that rule, (pas d'accord du tout)
In my case, as a very experienced Medical Translator, I have been working with universally well-known and respected institutional outsourcers (i.e. the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA] and the WHO [World Health Organization, EMRO = Eastern Mediterranean Region Office]) for years. Professionally, that's the top of the top. I'm very lucky, because both these entities are willing to provide excellent WWA feedbacks on my profile.
However, being respectively managed by the US Federal Government and the UNO, it is sure that they don't want, and are not even allowed, to subscribe to ProZ.
It's a real professional damage/loss for me if they can't enter a WWA.
What do you suggest ?
PS. : Please, don't tell me to enter some texts in my portfolio, as to illustrate my co-operation with both these international organizations. I can't. I'm bound by the double secret : professional and medical.
Thank you.
Catherine GUILLIAUMET - France
Clinical Medicine & Pharmacology - EN,SP,PT>>FR
+33 (0)4 75 88 01 87
Moderator of the Medical_Translation mailing-list for professionals
Creator of the "Medical Translators Database(c)", the most reliable assistant to find the ideal Medical Translator at http://cgtradmed-com.ifrance.com/cgtradmed-com/MedicalTranslators.htm

Anneli  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:41
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It is not possible to request WWA entries Jun 3, 2008

I am unable to send a request for a WWA entry using the WWA page - the system "refuses" to select the company's name form the list (normally a simple click shoud be enough, right?) and therefore I can not enter their details in the request. Do I have to include them first amongst the outsourcerers I have worked with? Or is it relevant to the fact taht I am not a full Proz member?
Best regards
Anneli Kavald
EDIT: I made another try and it worked - is it possible it was just a "b
... See more
I am unable to send a request for a WWA entry using the WWA page - the system "refuses" to select the company's name form the list (normally a simple click shoud be enough, right?) and therefore I can not enter their details in the request. Do I have to include them first amongst the outsourcerers I have worked with? Or is it relevant to the fact taht I am not a full Proz member?
Best regards
Anneli Kavald
EDIT: I made another try and it worked - is it possible it was just a "bug" in the system? Thank you very much in any case, Jared!

[Edited at 2008-06-03 13:55]

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 08:41
საიტის სამუშაო ჯგუფი
For specific cases, please consider using support Jun 3, 2008

Hello Annel,

You do not need to be a paying member to participate in the feedback system. May I ask you to open a support request, with the details of the outsourcer you are trying to add, and I will see if I can better help you with this there? Thanks!

Best regards,


Jeremy Harrington
Jeremy Harrington  Identity Verified
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Local time: 11:41
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What about the willingness of the translator? Jul 27, 2008

While not being a regular user of ProZ, I periodically check back to see its state of development. While the WWA system has obvious benefits, I would like to have the same option as outsourcers - to rate my willingness to work for them. The one job I accepted via ProZ was frustrating to say the least and entirely due to the competence of the company concerned.

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The new WWA page and FAQs have been released

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