241 registrants

Conférence Virtuelle Française ProZ.com

Jul 19, 2012

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Results (241) (Members shown first)
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Anne-Charlotte PERRIGAUD Contact directly
IT/Legal/Security Fields, Since 2003
Native in ფრანგული (Variants: International, Standard-France) 
Bio: Anne-Charlotte Perrigaud est une traductrice expérimentée spécialisée dans la sécurité informatique et le droit des NTIC. Elle travaille actuellement en tant que traductrice senior et coordinatrice de projets. Elle est freelance depuis plus de neuf ans et travaill...
Message: Merci de m’adresser toutes vos remarques & questions et/ou éventuels problèmes à l'avance afin que je puisse vous répondre à Lyon. Toutes vos suggestions d'améliorations seront les bienvenues. N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos attentes.
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John Di Rico Contact directly
Legal, Financial, Marketing and IT
Native in ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური, ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული
Freelancer and outsourcer
MA-Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (formerly the Monterey Institute of International Studies, or MIIS), SFT, UNETICA, 19 years of experience
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ADA DE MICHELI Contact directly
Native in იტალიური (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in იტალიური
Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, MA-SSLMIT Forlì, TRADINFO, PROZ.COM, TRANSLATORSCAFE', TRANSLATORSCAFE, 23 years of experience
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pausela Contact directly
Servicios Lingüísticos
Native in ესპანური , გალიციური Native in გალიციური, ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური
Freelancer and outsourcer
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, 21 years of experience
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Nafsika Charalambidou Contact directly
EU, law, marketing... EL, FR, ES, EN
Native in ბერძნული Native in ბერძნული
Freelancer interpreter for the European Commission, National and Capodistrian University of Athens, OTHER-European Commission, 28 years of experience
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Conchita Conigliaro Contact directly
Qualified and experienced translator
Native in იტალიური Native in იტალიური
S.S.I.T. - Florence, Associazione Nazionale Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici "Carlo Bo", Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazion (previously Istituto Universitario di Lingue Moderne), MA-IULM - Milan - Italy, ANITI, MET, 35 years of experience
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Virginie Proisy Contact directly
Accurate and reliable translation !
Native in ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული
Bio: Hello everybody,

I have been registered at Proz since April 2012 and all I can say is that the platform is user-friendly and offers a great choice of contacts.

I have just begun my new career as a freelance tranlator and I am doing well now. I focus my activity ma...
Message: I have been registered at Proz since April 2012 and all I can say is that the platform is user-friendly and offers a great choice of contacts.

I can only recommend to others, who haven't dared yet to register, not to hesitate any more.
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Clara Chassany Contact directly
Breaking barriers between languages!
Native in ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული, ფინური Native in ფინური
Bio: Finnish, Spanish, English to French translator. Specializing in Tourism, Marketing and Humanities.
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Džiuginta Spalbar Contact directly
Technical translator since 2000
Native in ლიტვიური Native in ლიტვიური
Freelancer and outsourcer
Lithuanian Translators Guild, BA-Vilnius University, 24 years of experience
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Paul Sinfield Contact directly
Commercial real estate specialist
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Native in ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური
Bio: Traducteur FR>EN specialisé en immobilier d'entreprise, finance et économie. Basé en Angleterre.
Message: Bonjour!
Valeria Monti Contact directly
Software localization & trascreation
Native in იტალიური (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in იტალიური
Agenzia Formativa TuttoEUROPA, MA-Agenzia Formativa TuttoEUROPA, 15 years of experience
myrden Contact directly
Native in ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული, არაბული Native in არაბული
Jordan University, Language Center, MA-Maîtrise de LEA Anglais-Italien-Arabe Université de Provence, 17 years of experience
Andrea Torre Contact directly
Native in ესპანური Native in ესპანური
University of Rennes, MA-University of Rennes, 21 years of experience
thierry niderman Contact directly
Translating LifeSciences for the Future
Native in ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული
Bio: Ph.D in biochemistry - freelance since 2006 - specialised in life sciences
Sindia Alves Contact directly
La fiabilité est mon maître-mot
Native in პორტუგალური Native in პორტუგალური, ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული
FLUP-Porto, MA-Paris 3 - La Sorbonne Nouvelle, 17 years of experience
Madeleine Chevassus Contact directly
Scientific, Technical and Marketing
Native in ფრანგული (Variant: Standard-France) Native in ფრანგული
Bio: Après pas mal d'années d'informatique, je suis devenue traductrice freelance depuis deux ans: EN>FR, Technique et Marketing.

Je suis spécialement intéressée par XTM, par l'aspect sécurité et aussi par l'aspect auto-marketing!
Message: bienvenue!
Andrea Jarmuschewski Contact directly
Respect of meaning and style
Native in გერმანული Native in გერმანული, ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული
Bio: Traductrice français/allemand et allemand/français

Marketing - luxe (notamment horlogerie) - énergies renouvelables - emballage et conditionnement - livres enfants - beaux livres (villes et régions) - oenologie et viticulture -fermetures de bâtiment - éducation...
Message: Un grand bonjour de Banyuls sur Mer, Pyrénées Orientales
Jenn Mercer Contact directly
ATA-Certified FR to EN Translator
შეერთებული შტატები
Native in ინგლისური (Variant: US) Native in ინგლისური
Bio: Traductrice de français vers anglais dans les domaines judiciaries, des affaires et de la finance. J'habite à Raleigh, aux États-Unis.
Andrada Constantinescu Contact directly
Quick & adequately
Native in რუმინული Native in რუმინული
Freelancer and outsourcer
BA-"Babes Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (in French & English), 24 years of experience
Rabie El Magdouli Contact directly
Native in ბერბერული ენები(სხვა) Native in ბერბერული ენები(სხვა), არაბული Native in არაბული
Mother tongue, University of Granada, MA-Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Granada, 16 years of experience
Stefano Spadea Contact directly
Sworn translator
Native in იტალიური Native in იტალიური
Rechtbank van Eerste Aanleg in Leuven, MA-Université Libre de Bruxelles - University Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures, CBTI-BKVT, 19 years of experience
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Anna Zudina Contact directly
რუსეთის ფედერაცია
Native in რუსული 
Bio: I learned to be a teacher but I focused on translation for almost 15 years. And I would like to continue the same way.
Message: Good luck to evryone!
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Zoë C Brasi (X) Contact directly
Native in ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური
Heriot Watt University, MA-Heriot Watt, Edinburgh, 19 years of experience
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Elena Simonelli Contact directly
Conference interpreter and translator
Native in იტალიური 
Italy: Associazione Tutteuropa, Scuola interpreti , Università degli Studi di Milano, MA-Scuola Vittoria, Torino + degree in Modern Languages, 22 years of experience
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Mila Djurovic Contact directly
Translating is Art
Native in სერბული 
Multilingua Interpretation school, Belgrade, BA-Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, 20 years of experience
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Eugenia Sánchez Contact directly
Translating for sustainable development
Native in ესპანური (Variants: Argentine, Latin American, Rioplatense, Uruguayan) Native in ესპანური
Bio: Traductrice technique français > espagnol
Diplômée à l'Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentine.
L’automobile et le ferroviaire, l’informatique et les télécommunications, les machines-outils et les électroménagers… plus de dix-huit ans d’expérience...
Message: Bonjour !
Ce sera certainement une bonne occasion pour échanger avec des collègues et d'autres acteurs dans notre secteur.
Soyez-vous tous les bienvenus ! Bon courage !
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Sabina S Contact directly
Native in რუმინული Native in რუმინული, ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური
MA-University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 20 years of experience
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Gabriela Andy Contact directly
Native in რუმინული Native in რუმინული
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Johanne Benoit-Gallagher Contact directly
Verification/localization specialist
Native in ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური, ფრანგული (Variant: Canadian) Native in ფრანგული
Freelancer and outsourcer
OTHER-Université de Sherbrooke, 20 years of experience
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Tim Webb Contact directly
Fr/En legal translator + interpreter
Native in ინგლისური 
Bio: User of WF Classic for 3 years, but only solo - interested in learning how to work as a group
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Florence St (X) Contact directly
Qualified Technical translator
Native in ფრანგული (Variant: Standard-France) 
CI3M, MA-Traducteur - CI3M + Traducteur technique - CI3M, 10 years of experience
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Lynne Hutchinson Contact directly
Native in ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური
Bio: Anglaise d'origine installée en France depuis 30 ans, je partage mon temps entre l'enseignement de l'anglais en entreprise et la traduction de documents anglais<>français.
Message: Bonjour à tous mes collègues anglo et francophones !
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nicoletbdejong Contact directly
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Amanda Grey Contact directly
The Word Perfectionist
Native in ინგლისური 
Dublin City University, Ireland, Dublin City University, BA-Dublin City University, 36 years of experience
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ljilj Contact directly
Sworn Online translator and interpreter
Native in სერბული Native in სერბული
Faculty of Politics Humanist and Administrative Sc, MA-Western University"Vasile Goldis"Faculty of Humanities,Political,and Administrative Science Language and Literature - English and French, 19 years of experience
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Semenchik Vera Contact directly
Translation improves communication
სამხრეთ აფრიკა
Native in ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული, რუსული Native in რუსული
L'Institut Pégagogique de Sverdlovsk, École Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs (Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III), MA-l'Ecole Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs (Paris III), UNETICA, AAE ESIT, 15 years of experience
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srfifi Contact directly
Traducteur Arabe-Français- Anglais
Native in არაბული Native in არაბული, ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული
Diplôme de Magister Arabe– Anglais– Français, MA-Institut Supérieur Arabe de Traduction , 21 years of experience
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Maria Assunta Castriota Contact directly
Professional translations from EN to IT
Native in იტალიური Native in იტალიური
Università degli Studi di Bari, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), MA-Università degli Studi di Bari, ATA, AITI, 12 years of experience
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Carol Molter Contact directly
Flawless translations
Native in ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული, ბერძნული Native in ბერძნული
Master's - Metz University
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Jose Lopez Hernandez Contact directly
Mexican Translator: IT Gaming SEO Market
Native in ესპანური (Variants: Latin American, Mexican) 
Universidad de Colima, Aston University, MA-Aston University, Birmingham, UK, ITI, 16 years of experience
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Antonio Contreras Contact directly
Technical, marketing and EU fields
Native in ესპანური Native in ესპანური
Universidad de Sevilla, University of Barcelona, MA-Universitat autònoma de Barcelona, ASETRAD, 20 years of experience
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Anna Piątkowska Contact directly
brevets, armement, textes anciens
Native in პოლონური (Variants: Old Polish, Standard-Poland) Native in პოლონური
Poland: UW, University of Warsaw, MA-Warsaw University, Institute of Applied Linguistics, TEPIS, 30 years of experience
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Enrico Antonio Mion Contact directly
Cycling (sports), e-commerce, tourism
Native in იტალიური 
University of Ottawa, OTHER-Aix-Marseille University/University of Ottawa, SFT, 11 years of experience
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Ana María Bennasar López Contact directly
French, English into Spanish Translator
Native in ესპანური 
21 years of experience
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Anne Lingemann Contact directly
Native in გერმანული Native in გერმანული
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Isabel Avelino Contact directly
Native in პორტუგალური Native in პორტუგალური
Message: Bonjour à tout le monde
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EKTRA Contact directly
Let's communicate!
Native in პოლონური Native in პოლონური, ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული
Taught Tech.Trans.INTO FRENCH-Lille III University, OTHER-Sorbonne University, Société de Linguistique de Paris, SFT, 28 years of experience
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Rosemarie Bonilla Contact directly
Best knowledge of Spanish
Native in გერმანული 
École Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs (Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III), Intercultural School, GD-ESIT Paris, BDÜ, 45 years of experience
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eng>fr (X) Contact directly
Native in ფრანგული 
United Kingdom: University of London, Chartered Institute of Linguists, 12 years of experience
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Enrique F Granados-González Contact directly
Ad pedem litteræ, mutatis mutandis
Native in ესპანური Native in ესპანური
UCOidiomas Universidad de Córdoba, MA-Universidad de Córdoba (España), 18 years of experience