Pierwsza polska wirtualna konferencja ProZ.com Jun 27, 2013 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (710) (Members shown first) |
 Checked in | Jakub Morawa  Translations & Subtitling პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | Bio: Technical & legal translator, member of TEPIS & NOT, MA - University of Silesia, 8 years of experience. |
|  Checked in | Michal Szczygiel  strong University background პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | Bio: translator for many years (English<>Polish), variety of expertises and clients Message: Hello Everyone! I am happy to get in touch with you all! |
|  Checked in | | Bio: W branży tłumaczeń pracuję od 15 lat, mieszkam w Lyonie, we Francji. Współpracuję z agencjami we Francji, Hiszpanii i Hongkongu oraz bezpośrednimi klientami. Jako tłumacz ustny współpracuję z lokalną policją oraz trybunałem sprawiedliwości.
Message: Pozdrawiam serdecznie wszystkich uczestników konferencji i mam nadzieję, że spotkamy się na kolejnej!
Życzę wszystkim tłumaczom rozsądnych ilości ciekawych tłumaczeń! |
|  Checked in | | Uniwersytet Gdański / Universität Danzig / University of Gdańsk, MA-University of Gdansk, 17 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Oleksandr Ivanov  Quality That Meets Deadlines უკრაინა Native in უკრაინული  Freelancer | Bio: 19 years of experience in translating from English, German and Polish into Ukrainian and Russian. Associate ATA member. |
|  Checked in | Michał Cyfert  Professional and reliable choice Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza), Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, MA-Adam Mickiewicz University, 22 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Philology department of Vilnius University, BA-Philology Department - Vilnius University, Lithuania, 28 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Joanna Rączka  metallurgical engineer პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | DipTrans, OTHER-Postgraduate study for conference interpreters, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Tłumaczy Konferencyjnych, CIOL, 25 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Michał Podbielski  Seasoned law graduate translator Native in პოლონური (Variant: Standard-Poland)  Freelancer | UMK, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), OTHER-Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 24 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Monika Costelloe  High quality English↔Polish translations გაერთიანებული სამეფო Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-Diploma in Translation, Chartered Institute of Linguists, ITI, CIOL, 23 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | The English Department, Adam Mickiewicz University, SDL International, 31 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Myron Netchypor  Both Linguist and Technician უკრაინა Native in უკრაინული  , რუსული  Freelancer | Lviv Polytechnic University, MA-Lviv Polytechnic University, 22 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Paweł Lutze  Fast and accurate პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | International Paper in-house translator 5 yrs, 32 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Joanna Borycka  Accurate and reliable ნიდერლანდები Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | Stichting Instituut van Gerechtstolken en -vertale, MA-Szczecin University /Poland, KTV, SIGV, 21 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Sonja Stankowski  Muttersprachlerin გერმანია Native in გერმანული (Variant: Germany)  Freelancer | Bio: Niemka, mieszkajaca we Wroclawiu, tlumacz przysiegly jezyka niemieckiego |
|  Checked in | Mohammad Ali Omrani  Experienced, Committed, Punctual ირანი Native in ირანული (სპარსული)  Freelancer | CMU, MA-University of Isfahan, 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Polish Courts, German Courts, MA-University of Warmia and Mazury, 24 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Sylwia Oskedra  Because words matter შვეიცარია Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | Pedagogical University of Cracow, MA-Pedagogical University of Cracow, 17 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Aleksandra Wójcik  www.ecomultiple.com ესპანეთი Native in პოლონური  , ესპანური  Freelancer | University of Warsaw, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), University of Barcelona, University of Warsaw, MA-University of Warsaw, 17 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Olga Niziołek  Into Polish? With pleasure პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | MA-University of Wrocław, WBTV, 14 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Danuta Ochman  IT, marketing, business, telecomm & more პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | Bio: IT and Business |
|  Checked in | Adam Jarczyk  Technical contents technically sound! პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer and outsourcer | Silesian Technical University, 31 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Gabriela Zielinska  Reliable translator at your service. პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური (Variants: Old Polish, Standard-Poland)  Freelancer | Jagiellonian University, Lund University, Jagiellonian University, 22 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Joanna Wons  Experienced EN-PL translator პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | WSF Wrocław, MA-WSF Wrocław, 28 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Karol Kawczyński  Expertise in law, finance and accounting პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | University of Cambridge, Chartered Institute of Linguists, University of Warsaw, Uniwersytet Gdański / Universität Danzig / University of Gdańsk, MA-University of Gdańsk + PgDip in Legal and Business Translation, CIOL, 17 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Tomasz Sienicki  Over 20 years of multilingual experience დანია Native in პოლონური (Variant: Standard-Poland)  Freelancer | Bio: Message: |
|  Checked in | Maria Folkesson  Multilingual translator and interpreter. Native in შვედური  , პოლონური  Freelancer | Graduate diploma - Department of Foreign Languages, GD-Department of Foreign Languages , ProZ, 46 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Tomasz Kościuczuk  Sworn translator for English and Polish პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer and outsourcer | Bio: MA in Translation Studies
Freelance translator since 1998, PL<>EN
Supervisory Board position in an energy enterprise
Member of the Programming Board for Polish Television Gdańsk Message: Dzień dobry, cześć i czołem! |
|  | | IELTS, BA-Unifac Botucatu, 26 years of experience |
|  | Aliaksandr Laushuk  Synchronizing cultures არგენტინა Native in ბელორუსული  , რუსული  Freelancer | Bio: Minsk State Linguistic University (BY)
University of Alicante (ES)
Translations: ES, EN > RU, BE
Main field: Technical, agricultural machinery, commerce |
|  | Michal Glowacki  MA MCIL MITI / Words that work for YOU პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Chartered Institute of Linguists, University of Wales, University of Warsaw, MA-Department of Translation and Digital Communication, Swansea University, ITI, CIOL, 19 years of experience |
|  | Sabina Králová  Medical & Pharmaceutical Translations ჩეხეთის რესპუბლიკა Native in ჩეხური  Freelancer | State Language School in Prague 1, Educational Testing Service - TOEFL, JTP, 22 years of experience |
|  | | OTHER-University of Wroclaw, Poland, 20 years of experience |
|  | Marquis  quality not quantity შეერთებული შტატები Native in ინგლისური  , პოლონური  Freelancer | ATA, 25 years of experience |
|  | jo_ga  პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | NOT - Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna, 21 years of experience |
|  | Iwona Szymaniak  Changing the world one word at a time პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | Message: Super! |
|  | Maria Schneider  When Words are the Best Weapon პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer and outsourcer | STP, TEPIS, 52 years of experience |
|  | Hania Pietrzyk  professional and accurate საფრანგეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | Bio: I am living in France and translating from French into Polish and from English into Polish.
Working as translator since 1998 I specialize mainly in scientific fields (medicine, pharmacy and chemistry) but I work also in business and trade fields and have good experi...ence of technical texts (manuals, instructions...).
More Less |
|  | Elisa Serra Salvi  Patent translator + engineer; 20+ years ესპანეთი Native in კატალანური (Variant: Central)  , ესპანური (Variant: Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | Bio: Traductora freelance de chino e inglés a español y catalán. Message: No lo podré ver en directo, pero les agradeceré si me pueden facilitar el enlace para verlo posteriormente. Gracias. |
|  | | MA-University of Lodz, 26 years of experience |
|  | Matt Petrowski  ProZ.com Systems Administrator/Developer შეერთებული შტატები Native in ინგლისური  Freelancer | 17 years of experience |
|  | | Polskie Towarzystwo Tłumaczy Przysięgłych i Specjalistycznych, TEPIS, 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Teresa Goscinska  Engineer ,PhD, Cross-cultural consulting Native in პოლონური Freelancer | National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, OTHER-NAATI, AUSIT, 25 years of experience |
|  Checked in | AndrzejR  პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური (Variant: Standard-Poland)  | 11 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Monika Nowic (X)  With passion for Words Native in პოლონური Freelancer | The University of Bielsko-Biala, MA-The University of Glasgow, ITI, 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | A L S  Quality legal translation & interpreting გაერთიანებული სამეფო Native in პოლონური  | Queen's University Belfast , PHD-Queen's University Belfast, 28 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Dorota Madrzyk  Diet, nutrition, wellbeing,food, travel შეერთებული შტატები Native in პოლონური (Variant: Standard-Poland)  , ინგლისური (Variant: US)  Freelancer | Educational Testing Service - TOEFL, Other - Warsaw School of Economics, ATA, International Medical Interpreters Association IMIA, CHICATA, MATI, 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Olga Bielecka  Rechtsübersetzungen პოლონეთი Native in პოლონური  Freelancer | |
|  Checked in | | MA-UAM |
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