გვერდების რაოდენობა თემაში:   < [1 2 3 4] >
URGENT: been asked to interpret, zero experience
თემის ავტორი: blahdibla (X)
Parrot  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:45
ესპანური -> ინგლისური
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It happens Feb 4, 2012

You're a volunteer, and it has happened -- to you. You're the person on the spot.

In the spirit of volunteer work, you're there to help. The best way to fuddle it now is to become self-conscious because you're not one of the best that money can buy; but in that sense, the situation is not too far-removed from others that have spontaneously popped up in refugee camps, for instance, where the UNHCR has resorted to the willingness of recent graduates to ease its work and, yes, even cer
... See more
You're a volunteer, and it has happened -- to you. You're the person on the spot.

In the spirit of volunteer work, you're there to help. The best way to fuddle it now is to become self-conscious because you're not one of the best that money can buy; but in that sense, the situation is not too far-removed from others that have spontaneously popped up in refugee camps, for instance, where the UNHCR has resorted to the willingness of recent graduates to ease its work and, yes, even certified this kind of field experience. And the worst time for an interpreter to lose confidence is a time of need. Forget yourself and concentrate on the others who need you, shortcomings and all.

And if you don't think you can, back out. That's all I can say. Hope it helps.

Local time: 05:45
ესპანური -> ინგლისური
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Horses for courses Feb 4, 2012

lee roth wrote:

If you believe in yourself and are confident, you can do it !

Good luck !

[Edited at 2012-02-04 03:51 GMT]

There are a lot of reasons not to do it from a professional's viewpoint, but I've always been a bit of a chancer myself and in the (student/tyro) asker's shoes I'd probably go for it, just to get the experience under my belt, but the fact remains that this is an unpaid job, and it could well be a case of "in at the deep end". However, as they know this person is not a professional interpreter, and the service required is being provided free of charge, they can't really complain.

My advice is to follow your instincts on this and whatever you decide, not to be overawed by high-faluting scenarios or panjandrums - we all start out and end up in the same places! You can always try the old public-speaking trick of visualising your audience as all naked, or as giant prawns...

Local time: 05:45
ესპანური -> ინგლისური
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Good advice Feb 4, 2012

Parrot wrote:

You're a volunteer, and it has happened -- to you. You're the person on the spot.

In the spirit of volunteer work, you're there to help. The best way to fuddle it now is to become self-conscious because you're not one of the best that money can buy; but in that sense, the situation is not too far-removed from others that have spontaneously popped up in refugee camps, for instance, where the UNHCR has resorted to the willingness of recent graduates to ease its work and, yes, even certified this kind of field experience. And the worst time for an interpreter to lose confidence is a time of need. Forget yourself and concentrate on the others who need you, shortcomings and all.

And if you don't think you can, back out. That's all I can say. Hope it helps.

I totally agree. You were asked to do this, after all, and everybody has to start sometime, somewhere. Most likely outcome is that someday you'll look back on this event and wonder what all the fuss was about.

Good luck whatever you decide!

blahdibla (X)
blahdibla (X)
თემის ავტორი
Giant prawns, eh?? Feb 4, 2012

neilmac wrote:

You can always try the old public-speaking trick of visualising your audience as all naked, or as giant prawns...

Hehehe! Giant prawns?! Never heard that one before, love it. Do you have any other ''over-coming the awe'' tips? I think if I decide to go for this, this is going to be my biggest problem - not feeling intimidated.

blahdibla (X)
blahdibla (X)
თემის ავტორი
Not getting paid makes sense Feb 4, 2012

Oksana Zoria wrote:

Marina Steinbach wrote:
You aren't getting paid? Why?

Good point, Marina!
I wouldn't go, if I wasn't paid, for it would be like going to a living hell for free (Katalin's description was very accurate).
There was a discussion recently of whether the students should be paid for translation jobs, and the general opinion was that they should, although the rate should be different from the professional one. The same should be true for the interpreters.

Well, no. It's volunteering. The whole point is you give up a bit of your free time to help an association that needs it...and you also, as someone who is still a student, get a bit of experience in to boot.

blahdibla (X)
blahdibla (X)
თემის ავტორი
Thanks for replying Feb 4, 2012

Christian Str wrote:

3. chuchotage= whispering So if there's only one fellow who doesn't know the main language then all you have do do is to whisper what will be discussed at the table and of course translate for the other what that fellow may have to say.

I'm not an interpreter, although I've done this kind of job 2 or 3 times for 2-3 days as I can remember and at the beginning I was also nervous until I familiarized with the people, subject and environment.

So...go go go!!!

Hope I could be of help!

Best regards,

Would I still have to carry on interpreting if, for example, we take a break for coffee and someone comes up to casually chat to the guy I'm working with? Or would that be patronizing?

blahdibla (X)
blahdibla (X)
თემის ავტორი
Exactly my thinking Feb 4, 2012

Arnando Koswara wrote:

blahdibla wrote:

Hello everyone, I'm new here, and have come looking for some advice. Basically, I'm a translation student, and started doing voluntary translation work as a way of getting some practical experience. After a few weeks, one of the associations contacted me to say they desperately needed me to interpret for them, since they left it too late to get an official interpreter.

Apparantly, it's a fairly informal lunch and discussion with 15 participants - however the environment is extremely intimidating (a very high profile institution is hosting it).

I'm not sure what to do - please don't flame me: I'm not getting paid, and they know I'm not an interpreter, so I'm not sullying the reputation. Here are my questions:

1) Should I do this? Would you, if you were me? I don't want to let them down, and it would also be a brilliant opportunity to meet people from the association....at the same time, it sounds terrifying. What if I mess up?

2) I don't have the first clue about interpreting...I was told there might be some ''chuchotage''...what is that?! More to the point, just generally, how do I go abut this, bearing in mind I only have a week to prepare! Apparantly my main reason for being there is one of the participants doesn't speak the main language - does this mean I'm supposed to be quietly interpreting every little thing that goes on...is that what the 'chuchotage' is?

I really, really need some advice here.

Thank you.


You said that they know you're still inexperience in interpreting so it means that what you will do is not very important (no offence) otherwise they won't let you do it. I think what you are offered here is a good opportunity for your profile so my answer is take it. but it all depends on you.. if you think you can do it, why don't you? don't let fear beat you. You never know how it is if you don't try..
what if.. let's say you don't take it.. and then next week you get another similar project like that. I bet you won't take it either. but it could be different if you've already felt the ride.
In my Experience, don't worry to much about the results that haven't come yet... just enjoy the process. so, I'll say again... if you feel you can do it, well by all means, take it and learn from it

Thanks for giving me your opinion, this is exactly what I was thinking:
- That if it was incredibly important, they wouldn't have asked me, and
- That if I refused this, it would set the tone for my future decisions

blahdibla (X)
blahdibla (X)
თემის ავტორი
Thanks for the vote of confidence! Feb 4, 2012

peninsular wrote:


The fact that you have approached people for guidance shows that you are inclined to do the assignment. You have the desire but you are hesitant. Go ahead and take the job. You have to start somewhere.

Prepare well. Compile a glossary of terms that you expect will be figuring in the conversation. The people who have asked you will gladly help.

Remember, people who are conversing at the gathering with each other are not completely dependent on the interpreter. They know the subject and will extract what they want to know. If you go wrong, they will know that the flow of conversation has been broken and will correct you.

It will be a good experience.

Wish you all the best!


Do you think I should ask my contact woman at the association to give me background reading material? Also, do you think it would be a good idea, if I do it, to tell people when I get there how I'm not a professional, blah blah blah, or is it better to just make sure the contact person knows, and then leave it be on the actual day?

blahdibla (X)
blahdibla (X)
თემის ავტორი
Wow... Feb 4, 2012

Musa Issa wrote:

I can sense some confidence at underneath all that apprehension. I think you should go. Here's what you need to do :

1. Prepare a glossary of terms that will be used. Ask the organizer to give you some material that will be used at the meeting, however informal.

2. Consider getting a more experienced colleague to come with so that you two can help each other out during the interpretation process from time to time. He could do 2 hours, and you could do an hour, and that way, you break up the task into small manageable tasks.

3. Sometimes in life, you must dive into those murky waters head-first. Do not be intimidated by that inner voice that tells you you cannot do it. I believe that you can do this and you will surprise youself at how good you are at this.

4. A few days before the event, you might want to start interpreting everything you come into contact with - the news on television, people's conversations etc - so that you may get your brain used to the task that is coming.

I believe in you. Do it and do not look back. I am speaking from experience as a novice - I once had to do this. I did not think I could, but I eventually went above and beyond my expectations.

You will do great! All the best.

...those are really encouraging words, thank you so much. I will definitely follow your advice, and I agree with you on point 3.

blahdibla (X)
blahdibla (X)
თემის ავტორი
Thanks for the thoughts Feb 4, 2012

Alma Ramirez wrote:

Don’t do it! Interpreters have a huge responsibility and there is some liability involved too. If you do not know what to do, you better refrain from doing it.

You mentioned the opportunity to meet people from the association. You will have the opportunity, but if you do not do what it is expected, you will be remembered as the “bad interpreter”, and they will not think that it was because you were a student or because it was your first job as an interpreter.

Even if you are a student, I suggest you being professional and make good decisions on what you are able to do.

You also mentioned that you only have a week to prepare. One week is plenty of time for them to get a professional interpreter, how can they be desperate if there is still a lot of time to get the right person for the job?

I see your point - and I didn't come on here simply looking for people to tell me ''go for it girlfriend!!!'', I did come looking for views on both sides.

However, what I'm wondering, is those people saying that this is a very intimidating first go, and the context isn't right for an initial taste of interpreting, baptism of fire, etc etc - when exactly am I ever going to have the opportunity to have a first go at it in a non-threatening, relaxed environment? This is never going to happen. People have suggested starting out by volunteering in hopsitals, working with refugees, etc. Unfortunately, my language pair is not going to be in demand for these types of situations - but most definitely is for international working associations and political contexts.

Local time: 05:45
გერმანული -> იტალიური
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You said it's a lunch? Feb 4, 2012

Well, I did a lot of interpreting in the past.

During lunch the worst comes.

A real hell: Everybody talking over each other, telling stories and jokes they _absolutely_ wanted me to translate...and my lonely salad leaf + egg in my plate waiting for hours.

I just want to tell you two things:
- do what you feel like (you have no alternative to this!)
- EAT (mayby drink something=
... See more
Well, I did a lot of interpreting in the past.

During lunch the worst comes.

A real hell: Everybody talking over each other, telling stories and jokes they _absolutely_ wanted me to translate...and my lonely salad leaf + egg in my plate waiting for hours.

I just want to tell you two things:
- do what you feel like (you have no alternative to this!)
- EAT (mayby drink something= before going there!

(Like Mammy and Scarlett in Gone with the Wind)...

Iciar Pertusa
Iciar Pertusa  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:45
ფრანგული -> ესპანური
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You obviously want to do it Feb 4, 2012

Well, even if my advice is "BEWARE!", you are clearly willing to accept it.

It is not as much a money matter (most interpreters have volunteered before becoming professionals, myself included), but the fact that you are facing this huge challenge on your first assignment, and on your own!

I read someone adviced to cooperate with a more experienced interpreter: that could be a great idea and actually, when I used to volunteer I always had somebody to watch my back... See more
Well, even if my advice is "BEWARE!", you are clearly willing to accept it.

It is not as much a money matter (most interpreters have volunteered before becoming professionals, myself included), but the fact that you are facing this huge challenge on your first assignment, and on your own!

I read someone adviced to cooperate with a more experienced interpreter: that could be a great idea and actually, when I used to volunteer I always had somebody to watch my back. If I had time to volunteer now I would be very glad to help freshers, as I know how important this fact is.

So, if you are going to accept this project, just make sure they know 1) you are volunteering 2) this is your first assignment 3) ask for EVERY document they have and have a look at it (preparation is 60% of the work!) 4) if it is a meal, KEEP COOL and if you see they are overlaping each other, ask to slow down the conversation.

Good luck!

Local time: 06:45
ინგლისური -> რუმინული
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A few tips Feb 4, 2012

Hi again,

It sounds like you're already leaning towards going at this point, so here's a few practical tips, on top of everything else that was suggested (all very good tips):

1. Bring a bottle of water with you, because speaking for hours can get your throat very dry. And the reverse of that, go to the bathroom right before the start of the meeting.
2. Try to stay calm and collected, or at least project that image.
3. Be confident in your ability to
... See more
Hi again,

It sounds like you're already leaning towards going at this point, so here's a few practical tips, on top of everything else that was suggested (all very good tips):

1. Bring a bottle of water with you, because speaking for hours can get your throat very dry. And the reverse of that, go to the bathroom right before the start of the meeting.
2. Try to stay calm and collected, or at least project that image.
3. Be confident in your ability to do the task at hand, keep telling yourself that you can do it and that it's not such a big deal. It helps.
4. Keep eye contact with people, as much as you can and smile - that helps project confidence and it helps you feel more relaxed.
5. If you see someone frowning or shaking their head at what you say, don't panic and don't focus your attention on that person. I had someone like that in a test I was taking, she had a very serious face, never smiled once and was always shaking her head - it was very distracting for a while, because it gave me the impression that everything I was saying was utter rubbish, until I decided to completely ignore her and then everything went much better. Came to find out later on that this is what she did when she was concentrating, go figure
6. Just in case, bring a notepad and a pen - maybe the person who doesn't speak the language will want to say something and you can't do whispering for 14 people.
7. Talk to the contact person beforehand to find out what to do in case you need a break.
8. What works for me when I do interpreting at high-level meetings is repeating the mantra that they're just regular people and they make mistakes like the rest of us. When you have a vivid imagination, imagining them naked proves to be too much of a distraction) The important thing is to find out what works for you.
9. If you do make a mistake and you realize it, smile, apologize and make the correction right then and there. It's a little embarrassing, granted, but it avoids potential larger embarrassments if the thing snowballs.
10. Don't try to interpret everything. You might not be able to, particularly if there are several people speaking at the same time. Instead, focus your attention on one or two (the most vocal) and interpret what they're saying.
11. Don't panic if you don't know a word. Don't forget you're interpreting ideas, not words, so even if you skip a few words, the important thing is to render the idea and most of the time you can get the idea even if you don't know a particular word.

That's all I can think of for the moment. Oh, and the answer to your last question, if you would still have to interpret during coffee breaks is yes. It's not patronizing - that's what you're there for, to make sure that the one person who doesn't speak the language does not feel excluded. It's a tricky balance sometimes, because on the one hand you're supposed to be his shadow, but on the other you don't want to intrude too much on his personal space. One solution is to ask him what he wants, another is to tell him that you'll be by the coffee table if he needs you.

Good luck, try to have fun, and do come back and tell us how it went

JaneD  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:45
წევრი (2009)
შვედური -> ინგლისური
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Do it... Feb 4, 2012

...because if you don't you'll always wonder what would have happened if you had, and if you do it and it's the awful experience it could be, you'll have got the worst interpreting experience of your career over with first!

Make sure that you are as prepared as possible, eat something before you go so you don't starve during the lunch, then try to relax.

And let us know how you get on!

blahdibla (X)
blahdibla (X)
თემის ავტორი
Thanks to you and to JaneD Feb 4, 2012

Katza wrote:

Hi again,

It sounds like you're already leaning towards going at this point, so here's a few practical tips, on top of everything else that was suggested (all very good tips):

1. Bring a bottle of water with you, because speaking for hours can get your throat very dry. And the reverse of that, go to the bathroom right before the start of the meeting.
2. Try to stay calm and collected, or at least project that image.
3. Be confident in your ability to do the task at hand, keep telling yourself that you can do it and that it's not such a big deal. It helps.
4. Keep eye contact with people, as much as you can and smile - that helps project confidence and it helps you feel more relaxed.
5. If you see someone frowning or shaking their head at what you say, don't panic and don't focus your attention on that person. I had someone like that in a test I was taking, she had a very serious face, never smiled once and was always shaking her head - it was very distracting for a while, because it gave me the impression that everything I was saying was utter rubbish, until I decided to completely ignore her and then everything went much better. Came to find out later on that this is what she did when she was concentrating, go figure
6. Just in case, bring a notepad and a pen - maybe the person who doesn't speak the language will want to say something and you can't do whispering for 14 people.
7. Talk to the contact person beforehand to find out what to do in case you need a break.
8. What works for me when I do interpreting at high-level meetings is repeating the mantra that they're just regular people and they make mistakes like the rest of us. When you have a vivid imagination, imagining them naked proves to be too much of a distraction) The important thing is to find out what works for you.
9. If you do make a mistake and you realize it, smile, apologize and make the correction right then and there. It's a little embarrassing, granted, but it avoids potential larger embarrassments if the thing snowballs.
10. Don't try to interpret everything. You might not be able to, particularly if there are several people speaking at the same time. Instead, focus your attention on one or two (the most vocal) and interpret what they're saying.
11. Don't panic if you don't know a word. Don't forget you're interpreting ideas, not words, so even if you skip a few words, the important thing is to render the idea and most of the time you can get the idea even if you don't know a particular word.

That's all I can think of for the moment. Oh, and the answer to your last question, if you would still have to interpret during coffee breaks is yes. It's not patronizing - that's what you're there for, to make sure that the one person who doesn't speak the language does not feel excluded. It's a tricky balance sometimes, because on the one hand you're supposed to be his shadow, but on the other you don't want to intrude too much on his personal space. One solution is to ask him what he wants, another is to tell him that you'll be by the coffee table if he needs you.

Good luck, try to have fun, and do come back and tell us how it went

Thank you that is brilliant advice. I'm now leaning 80% towards doing it...and will be sure to report back if I do. I have one final question: have you ever been in a situation where you interpret something, and one of the people present who knows both languages stops you and says ''actually, that's not right'', or some sort of similar situation? (I'm trying to imagine the absolute worst case scenario possible).

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URGENT: been asked to interpret, zero experience

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