Best Russian-English-Russian dictionaries
თემის ავტორი: Susan Dingle
Susan Dingle
Susan Dingle
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
რუსული -> ინგლისური
Aug 18, 2011

Hello everyone

I am new to this site and to the field of translating and would appreciate people's thoughts on their best English-Russian-English dictionaries. I have an old dictionary from when I first moved to St Petersburg to study but I feel it will almost certainly be inadequate now and am looking to buy myself a definitive, comprehensive GENERAL (ie non-subject specific) dictionary for my professional use. I would love to hear what people like to use and why!

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Hello everyone

I am new to this site and to the field of translating and would appreciate people's thoughts on their best English-Russian-English dictionaries. I have an old dictionary from when I first moved to St Petersburg to study but I feel it will almost certainly be inadequate now and am looking to buy myself a definitive, comprehensive GENERAL (ie non-subject specific) dictionary for my professional use. I would love to hear what people like to use and why!

Thanks in advance for any comments you might post in response to this.

Mark Hamlen
Mark Hamlen  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:56
ფრანგული -> ინგლისური
+ ...
Multitran Aug 18, 2011

Multitran ( is very good, but as with all dictionaries with contributions from users, some things need to be taken with a grain of salt. The pay and download version is more reliable and faster than the on-line version.

For hard to find ter
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Multitran ( is very good, but as with all dictionaries with contributions from users, some things need to be taken with a grain of salt. The pay and download version is more reliable and faster than the on-line version.

For hard to find terms is very useful. You may not find a translation, but you will find a definition of even the most obscure words.

sokolniki  Identity Verified
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 17:56
ინგლისური -> რუსული
+ ...
Mark is right Aug 18, 2011

Multitran is the best (and they do not pay me commission to say that).

Susan, also, if you expect as you say professional use, it makes sense to invest into a full version vs. free online version. Once you see the difference I am sure you will understand why. Good luck! I cannot imagine life without Multitran..

esperantisto  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:56
წევრი (2006)
ინგლისური -> რუსული
+ ...
ABBYY Lingvo Aug 18, 2011


Andrey Reznikov
Andrey Reznikov
ინგლისური -> რუსული
+ ...
Apresyan's Dictionary Aug 18, 2011

Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна. (3 volumes).

It has superior quality, as compared to any other general dictionary.
There is an online version, as well.

Hope it helps,

Alexander Itskovich
Alexander Itskovich  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:56
ინგლისური -> რუსული
GoldenDict Aug 19, 2011

You can use GoldenDict It has a download with Apresyan En-Ru and Smirnitskiy Ru-En dictionaries and supports various file formats.

[Edited at 2011-08-20 12:14 GMT]


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