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Can you convince me to switch to Linux...?
თემის ავტორი: Riens Middelhof
Robert Tucker (X)
Robert Tucker (X)
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 19:20
გერმანული -> ინგლისური
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Abbyy Mar 10, 2007

Edwal Rospigliosi wrote:

There are two pieces of software I can't do without.

Deja Vu X
Abby Finereader

Abbyy FineReader Engine 6.0 and Abbyy FineReader Engine 8.0 already exist for Linux.


Quite what is needed to make a working application out of them I don't know.

Walerij Winnyk (X)
Walerij Winnyk (X)
Local time: 21:20
ჩინური -> უკრაინული
+ ...
Nobody convinced me Mar 11, 2007

Can you convince me to switch to Linux...?

I'm sorry, but why do you think people should convince you to switch to Linux? It is your own and free choice, to switch or not to switch.
Does running MSO under Crossover/wine compromise speed a lot?

I tried it with Crossover, and it was _very_ slowly (MSO 2003). In addition, I could not see some elements in large documents with complex formatting that I had to translate, so I refused to use MSO under Linux at all.
(I recommend Ubuntu... that is becoming really mainstream)

Hmm... I don't think Ubuntu is worth to become the _real_ Linux mainstream.
Abby Finereader

ReadIris 8 Pro + WINE at SUSE 10.1 (works "out of the box").

Riens Middelhof
Riens Middelhof  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:20
ესპანური -> ჰოლანდიური
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თემის ავტორი
Thanks all Mar 13, 2007

Thanks all of you for the advice. I installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot and I wish I´d done so long before. Installing was dead-easy. Don´t have any details on all hardware and software, but you´ll see me on the forums

Anthony Baldwin
Anthony Baldwin  Identity Verified
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 14:20
პორტუგალური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
Ubuntu, Linguas OS, PCLOS-trans...so many options! Jan 29, 2008

Riens Middelhof wrote:

Thanks all of you for the advice. I installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot and I wish I´d done so long before. Installing was dead-easy. Don´t have any details on all hardware and software, but you´ll see me on the forums

Ubuntu rocks!
It's all we used here at Baldwin Linguas until recently, when we released our
own Linux distro for translators, Linguas OS (http://www.linguasos.org).
Linguas OS is one of two recently released distributions specifically for translators.
PCLOS-Trans is another, and also an excellent distro.

One of the great things about Linux...so many options, and none of the cost a penny!


Laurent KRAULAND (X)
Laurent KRAULAND (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:20
ფრანგული -> გერმანული
+ ...
Very interesting topic! Sep 29, 2009

And thanks to all for participating, I now more or less know what I can do with my "old" Packard Bell PC to give it a second (and hopefully more stable) youth...

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Can you convince me to switch to Linux...?

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