Research on Translation Services Marketing
თემის ავტორი: Hoang Hoang
Hoang Hoang
Hoang Hoang  Identity Verified
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 09:44
ინგლისური -> ვიეტნამური
+ ...
Aug 19, 2011

Hello everyone,

My name is Hoang, a registered translator in ( and TranslatorsCafé (

As a part of my MBA dissertation on marketing translation services, I am conducting a marketing research. F
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Hello everyone,

My name is Hoang, a registered translator in ( and TranslatorsCafé (

As a part of my MBA dissertation on marketing translation services, I am conducting a marketing research. Findings of this research will contribute to minimize the knowledge gap between the translators and their clients aiming at a better service experience and customer satisfaction.

I would kindly request you to help answer the questionnaire at this link It will take you maximum 10 minutes to complete; but will help the translator community greatly.

Responses to the questionnaire will be kept in confidence. The information sought for this study will be published as part of a MBA dissertation on this subject. All data will be used in a form that will make it impossible to determine the identity of the individual responses. That is, the survey responses will not be integrated, analyzed, or reported in any way in which the confidentiality of the survey responses is not absolutely guaranteed.

Due to the time pressure, it would be much appreciated if I can receive your responses by August 24, 2011. I would be pleased to share the research findings with you once completed. Please quote the code which you will find at the last page of the questionnaire when requesting the report via email.

Thank you very much for your invaluable help!


[Edited at 2011-08-19 16:33 GMT]

[Edited at 2011-08-19 18:03 GMT]

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Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 09:44
იტალიური -> ინგლისური
Target audience Aug 19, 2011

I see your survey assumes that the respondents are translation companies or agencies rather than individual freelancers, who are vast majority of site users here..

Is this really the most appropriate place for your survey, I wonder.

Hoang Hoang
Hoang Hoang  Identity Verified
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 09:44
ინგლისური -> ვიეტნამური
+ ...
თემის ავტორი
No place to post Aug 19, 2011

Russell Jones wrote:

I see your survey assumes that the respondents are translation companies or agencies rather than individual freelancers, who are vast majority of site users here..

Is this really the most appropriate place for your survey, I wonder.

I know, but the site staff advised me to post the questionnaire here. I tried to post it via Proz Connect but it has not been approved simply because it is not about job :| Posting it here is all what I can do at the moment I guess.

Christina Paiva
Christina Paiva  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:44
პორტუგალური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
Geography ... Aug 19, 2011

Hi Hoang ...

Unfortunately, I was not able to complete your questionnaire... The part of the world I live in was not listed ...

Good luck!

Hoang Hoang
Hoang Hoang  Identity Verified
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 09:44
ინგლისური -> ვიეტნამური
+ ...
თემის ავტორი
So sorry! Fixed. Aug 19, 2011

Christina Paiva wrote:

The part of the world I live in was not listed ...

Good luck!

I am really sorry about that! For some reason, the Latin America was removed when I compiled the pretest stage and official launched the survey.

I just fixed it. Thank you very much for pointing it out! I am not sure if you mind filling in it again though

Nicole Schnell
Nicole Schnell  Identity Verified
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 01:44
ინგლისური -> გერმანული
+ ...
One question was odd, though Aug 20, 2011

The one that asked if an outsourcer will prefer a translator with a degree in translation AND experience in the subject matter. Those are two absolutely different things. I will always prefer a translator with knowhow in the technical field. Style and language can be fixed, this does not apply to technical expertise.

Hoang Hoang
Hoang Hoang  Identity Verified
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 09:44
ინგლისური -> ვიეტნამური
+ ...
თემის ავტორი
Double criteria Aug 20, 2011

Nicole Schnell wrote:

The one that asked if an outsourcer will prefer a translator with a degree in translation AND experience in the subject matter. Those are two absolutely different things. I will always prefer a translator with knowhow in the technical field. Style and language can be fixed, this does not apply to technical expertise.

You are right, Nicole. Actually, it is a basic mistake of the questionnaire. Fixed.

Many thanks!


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Research on Translation Services Marketing

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