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My new website....Feedback welcomed :)
თემის ავტორი: Ali Alsaqqa
Rita Pang
Rita Pang  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:45
წევრი (2011)
ჩინური -> ინგლისური
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I'm rather confused Aug 30, 2011

Ali Al-Saqqa wrote:

Siegfried Armbruster wrote:

One statement on your website says:

PRO Translator [In accordance with EN 15038]

Do you know EN15038, have you read the standard, do you comply with the processes mentioned in it?

I know. And I know that being EN 15038 certified is something different from
PRO "certificate". But I think I am honest when I say "In accordance with".

Just wondering what you meant by "I think I am honest when I say..."?

I mean, if I am a client and don't know anything about proz.com or what the PRO tag is all about, what does the term EN 15038 mean to me anyway? It probably means nothing. If being "in accordance with EN 15038" denotes that your experience (and other credentails) comply with a certain set of standards, I would imagine that a quick explanation might be very useful.

If you feel that this would turn into an essay of sorts, I'd say lose that "PRO translator" tag. Frankly, if I am a client and I want to know more about you, but I don't have much knowledge about all these credentials, certificates or qualifications, I really don't want to find out on my own what being "PRO" is all about.

Ali Alsaqqa
Ali Alsaqqa  Identity Verified
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 04:45
ინგლისური -> არაბული
თემის ავტორი
I see. Aug 30, 2011

@ Rita: That is true, I think nothing is clear about what EN 15038 is all about in the first place.

What do you suggest in this regard ? I am thinking of linking to a proz page that explains the PRO

certificate system, would that be better ?

Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 10:45
ფრანგული -> ინგლისური
+ ...
A few linguistic tweaks Aug 30, 2011

Hi there Ali!

First of all, congratulations for having so much patience! I hope that the improvements you've earned through this exercise will help you project a positive image, because you are clearly serious about making it work.

Now, I know you are a techie, and you are mainly translating into Arabic, but I've got a few linguistic tweaks to suggest on the following English sentence:

"I aim to get a notable position in the field of Technical and Scientifi
... See more
Hi there Ali!

First of all, congratulations for having so much patience! I hope that the improvements you've earned through this exercise will help you project a positive image, because you are clearly serious about making it work.

Now, I know you are a techie, and you are mainly translating into Arabic, but I've got a few linguistic tweaks to suggest on the following English sentence:

"I aim to get a notable position in the field of Technical and Scientific translation where I can utilize my love of translation and my deep knowledge in Science and Engineering."

1. "I am to get a notable position" makes it sound like you are searching for an in-house or otherwise permanent job. Is this the case, or are you freelancing? If you are looking for freelance work, why not say something like "I am looking for translation work" or "I am available for translation work" or something like that? "Work" can come in all forms, while a "position" brings to mind a nine-to-five job within a company. (Of course, if you are indeed looking for a position as an employee, by all means leave the beginning of the sentence as it is.)

2. "Technical and Scientific translation" is not a proper name, so no need for capitals. The same goes for "Science and Engineering".

3. "...where I can utilise my love..." This sounds really weird! Love is not something to be utilised, even by techies! ...And following "love" with the word "deep" is further off-register. You might replace it with something more neutral such as "where I can put to use my passion for translation and my thorough knowledge in science and engineering."

Hope that helps, Ali. Keep up the good work!

Ali Alsaqqa
Ali Alsaqqa  Identity Verified
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 04:45
ინგლისური -> არაბული
თემის ავტორი
Done. Aug 30, 2011

verslanglais wrote:
1. "I am to get a notable position" makes it sound like you are searching for an in-house or otherwise permanent job. Is this the case, or are you freelancing? If you are looking for freelance work, why not say something like "I am looking for translation work" or "I am available for translation work" or something like that? "Work" can come in all forms, while a "position" brings to mind a nine-to-five job within a company. (Of course, if you are indeed looking for a position as an employee, by all means leave the beginning of the sentence as it is.)

2. "Technical and Scientific translation" is not a proper name, so no need for capitals. The same goes for "Science and Engineering".

3. "...where I can utilise my love..." This sounds really weird! Love is not something to be utilised, even by techies! ...And following "love" with the word "deep" is further off-register. You might replace it with something more neutral such as "where I can put to use my passion for translation and my thorough knowledge in science and engineering."

Hope that helps, Ali. Keep up the good work!

1) Changed.
2) Changed.
3) Changed.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate your kindness.

Seamus Mullarkey
Seamus Mullarkey  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:45
გერმანული -> ინგლისური
typo in the second testimonial Aug 30, 2011

Very effective website. It's easy to absorb and does provide a lot of useful information. However, I think you're missing an apostrophe (see between asteriks below) on the 2nd testimonial.

--"I am very satisfied with Mr. Ali Al-Saqqa *'*s translation quality"

Wishing you every success,


Ali Alsaqqa
Ali Alsaqqa  Identity Verified
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 04:45
ინგლისური -> არაბული
თემის ავტორი
As written Aug 30, 2011

Seamus Mullarkey wrote:

Very effective website. It's easy to absorb and does provide a lot of useful information. However, I think you're missing an apostrophe (see between asteriks below) on the 2nd testimonial.

--"I am very satisfied with Mr. Ali Al-Saqqa *'*s translation quality"

Wishing you every success,


Thank you for pointing that out, but this is the client's testimonial and I should not
change it even if it has a mistake, right?

Marina Steinbach
Marina Steinbach
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 04:45
წევრი (2011)
ინგლისური -> გერმანული
Correction of the Client's Testamonial Aug 30, 2011

Ali Al-Saqqa wrote:

Seamus Mullarkey wrote:

Very effective website. It's easy to absorb and does provide a lot of useful information. However, I think you're missing an apostrophe (see between asteriks below) on the 2nd testimonial.

--"I am very satisfied with Mr. Ali Al-Saqqa *'*s translation quality"

Wishing you every success,


Thank you for pointing that out, but this is the client's testimonial and I should not
change it even if it has a mistake, right?

You are definitely right, Ali. That would be very impolite.

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 09:45
საიტის წევრი
ჰოლანდიური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
higher resolution images Aug 31, 2011

Hello Ali,

I would suggest you use higher resolution images. Especially the left one is too pixelated.


Ali Alsaqqa
Ali Alsaqqa  Identity Verified
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 04:45
ინგლისური -> არაბული
თემის ავტორი
Yes... Aug 31, 2011

Michael J.W. Beijer wrote:

Hello Ali,

I would suggest you use higher resolution images. Especially the left one is too pixelated.


I was afraid from getting the size too big (high res. = big size).

But you are right, and the image is small so increasing the res. won't have a big effect on the size.

Please have a look at the new photo(s). Also, please tell me how fast the site is loading...

Thanks for your comment.


[Edited at 2011-08-31 09:40 GMT]

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My new website....Feedback welcomed :)

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