MS Word macro to manipulate tracked text
თემის ავტორი: Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:38
წევრი (2006)
ინგლისური -> აფრიკაანსი
+ ...
Oct 20, 2016

Hello everyone

Does anyone know of a macro that will modify a tracked changes document in MS Word so that it adds curly brackets on either side of a deletion and square brackets on either side of an insertion?

It doesn't matter to me if the brackets close whole chunks of deletions or insertions, or deleted or inserted characters individually, nor does it matter to me if the tracks remain intact and/or if the brackets are tracked.

Here are two examples of wh
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Hello everyone

Does anyone know of a macro that will modify a tracked changes document in MS Word so that it adds curly brackets on either side of a deletion and square brackets on either side of an insertion?

It doesn't matter to me if the brackets close whole chunks of deletions or insertions, or deleted or inserted characters individually, nor does it matter to me if the tracks remain intact and/or if the brackets are tracked.

Here are two examples of what I'm looking for (any of the 6 options shown under the example would be acceptable to me, though I would prefer the third one, i.e. nothing in tracks anymore, and whole tracked sections bracketed):

track example1

track example2

I need this so that I can add tracked text to my TM.


[Edited at 2016-10-20 14:21 GMT]

[Edited at 2016-10-20 14:23 GMT]

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:38
წევრი (2006)
ინგლისური -> აფრიკაანსი
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თემის ავტორი
One option Oct 20, 2016

Samuel Murray wrote:
Does anyone know of a macro that will modify a tracked changes document in MS Word so that it adds curly brackets on either side of a deletion and square brackets on either side of an insertion?

This one works, but only on short documents, and it sometimes forgets to process the last deletion/insertion in the file:

Sub tracks2brackets()
' Based on code from:
' and
' (this is a combination of two macros)

ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False

Number = ActiveDocument.Revisions.Count
For x = 1 To Number
Set myRev = ActiveDocument.Revisions(x).Range
This = ActiveDocument.Revisions(x).Type
If This = 2 Then
Selection.InsertAfter "›"
Selection.InsertBefore "‹"
End If
If This = 1 Then
Selection.InsertAfter "»"
Selection.InsertBefore "«"
End If
Next x

Dim chgAdd As Word.Revision

ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False

For Each chgAdd In ActiveDocument.Revisions
If chgAdd.Type = wdRevisionDelete Then
ElseIf chgAdd.Type = wdRevisionInsert Then
End If
Next chgAdd

End Sub

CafeTran Training (X)
CafeTran Training (X)
Local time: 01:38
XML Oct 20, 2016

How about going for the xml inside the docx zip package?

Rolf Keller
Rolf Keller
Local time: 01:38
ინგლისური -> გერმანული
Optimize the macro Oct 21, 2016

Samuel Murray wrote:

This one works, but only on short documents

Maybe some code parts run to slow and produce racing conditions.

(1) Suppress unnecessary screen updates by encapsulating the code:

Sub tracks2brackets()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
... your existing Sub body goes here ...
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
end Sub

(2) Make the code faster by using only one insert instead of two:

Selection.InsertAfter "›"
Selection.InsertBefore "‹"
Selection = "›" + Selection + "‹"

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:38
წევრი (2006)
ინგლისური -> აფრიკაანსი
+ ...
თემის ავტორი
@Rolf Oct 21, 2016

Rolf Keller wrote:
(2) Make the code faster by using only one insert instead of two:
Selection.InsertAfter "›"
Selection.InsertBefore "‹"
Selection = "‹" + Selection + "›"

Thanks, but... unfortunately, if I do this, then the macro only works on deletions, and it ignores insertions.

(1) Suppress unnecessary screen updates by encapsulating the code:

Sub tracks2brackets()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
... your existing Sub body goes here ...
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
end Sub

This seems to have an effect but since the screen doesn't update, it becomes difficult to tell whether Word is still working.

Rolf Keller
Rolf Keller
Local time: 01:38
ინგლისური -> გერმანული
Macro enhancements, continued Oct 21, 2016

Samuel Murray wrote:

if I do this, then the macro only works on deletions, and it ignores insertions.

I swapped the angle brackets, sorry.

since the screen doesn't update, it becomes difficult to tell whether Word is still working.

The standard solution for this is a messagebox. Just insert
MsgBox "Done!"
at the end.


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MS Word macro to manipulate tracked text

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