Capitalization with accents?
თემის ავტორი: Caiman
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 17:58
ესპანური -> ინგლისური
Dec 3, 2016

Anyone aware of a font that allows you to accent capitalized letters? I am using MS Word translating English>Spanish.

Marco Solinas
Marco Solinas  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:58
იტალიური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
US international keyboard Dec 3, 2016

I do it all the time on all fonts using the US international keyboard setting.

Miguel Carmona
Miguel Carmona  Identity Verified
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 14:58
ინგლისური -> ესპანური
... Dec 3, 2016

Caiman wrote:

Anyone aware of a font that allows you to accent capitalized letters? I am using MS Word translating English>Spanish.

I am not aware of any font used in Spanish that does not allow to put accents on capitalized letters.

Mikhail Zavidin
Mikhail Zavidin
Local time: 01:58
ინგლისური -> რუსული
+ ...
In the Word Dec 3, 2016

Just use the following combinations in Word

Alt+0769 — acute accent as in Á
Alt+0768 — grave accent as in À

It should work for any font.

შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 17:58
ესპანური -> ინგლისური
თემის ავტორი
Fixed! Dec 3, 2016

Selecting "Enforce Accented Uppercase in French" in the Spelling and Grammar section of Word preferences did the trick. Before, Word would not let me put accents on capitalized letters, they would come out looking like this < E´ > so I was using a laborious work-around. Thanks!

Luximar Arenas Petty
Luximar Arenas Petty  Identity Verified
შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 17:58
ინგლისური -> ესპანური
+ ...
Another Option Dec 3, 2016

In Word, you can have the KEY Caps Lock activated and just keep pressed the key Ctrl and then hit the key ', that would do the trick as well.

Local time: 23:58
ესპანური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
Do what now? Dec 4, 2016

AFAIK the convention on accents in all-cap words was that they weren't required, but the DRAE had a reshuffle recently so anything is possible... I'll ask my filo... Spanish colleague about it mañana...

You know, like in France years ago the newspapers gave up and just made them all flat for headlines...

[Edited at 2016-12-04 20:29 GMT]
... See more
AFAIK the convention on accents in all-cap words was that they weren't required, but the DRAE had a reshuffle recently so anything is possible... I'll ask my filo... Spanish colleague about it mañana...

You know, like in France years ago the newspapers gave up and just made them all flat for headlines...

[Edited at 2016-12-04 20:29 GMT]


[Edited at 2016-12-04 20:30 GMT]

Rodolfo Raya
Rodolfo Raya  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:58
ინგლისური -> ესპანური
Accents required Dec 4, 2016

neilmac wrote:

AFAIK the convention on accents in all-cap words was that they weren't required, but the DRAE had a reshuffle recently so anything is possible...

Accents are required for capital letters. Check the grammar published on 2010 by the RAE.

Local time: 23:58
ესპანური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
Accent, moi? Dec 5, 2016

Rodolfo Raya wrote:

neilmac wrote:

AFAIK the convention on accents in all-cap words was that they weren't required, but the DRAE had a reshuffle recently so anything is possible...

Accents are required for capital letters. Check the grammar published on 2010 by the RAE.

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I did check it with my expert colleague today, who says: "si llevan acento gráfico en minúscula, también se pone en mayúscula" ...
So I was mistaken.

"El empleo de la mayúscula no exime de poner la tilde cuando así lo exijan las reglas de acentuación gráfica: CÓRDOBA. (

[Edited at 2016-12-05 18:20 GMT]


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