Being asked for letter from the "language expert"
თემის ავტორი: patyjs
patyjs  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:06
ესპანური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
Jun 14, 2021

Hi all,

I just reviewed a scientific article and have been asked by the author(s) to provide a "Carta del experto que revisó el uso del lenguaje, gramática y ortografía (para manuscritos en inglés)" as requested by the journal. I've never been asked for this before and have no idea what I need to include.

Anyone done this?

Many thanks.

esperantisto  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:06
წევრი (2006)
ინგლისური -> რუსული
+ ...
Maybe… Jun 15, 2021

…you should ask the author(s) who request that rather the people here?

patyjs  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:06
ესპანური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
თემის ავტორი
Asked the journal Jun 15, 2021

I wrote to the journal in question and was told the letter just needed to say that the article XXX had been revised in terms of language use, grammar and spelling. Nothing complicated.

Hope this helps if anyone else comes across it.

Thanks Esparantisto for your response.

Tony Keily
Tony Keily
Local time: 19:06
იტალიური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
Revised or reviewed? Jun 16, 2021

They're not the same thing!

გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 18:06
იტალიური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
Occasionally - I think Jun 17, 2021

I used to have a Spanish client who asked for a "self certification" that you were qualified in the subject and had (to the best of your knowledge and ability) used correct terminology etc. I think was for their internal QC system.

Angie Garbarino

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Being asked for letter from the "language expert"

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