How to remove prize minus malware/spyware?
თემის ავტორი: Manuela Junghans
Manuela Junghans
Manuela Junghans  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:57
წევრი (2004)
ინგლისური -> გერმანული
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Jun 15, 2015

Hi all

I hope you´re having a somewhat better Monday than me...

I somehow seem to have caught what seems like a malicious virus to me. My virus program does not detect it as such and I have already googled it and performed all the recommended steps to remove it from my computer and all the browsers I´m using, including the hard drive and the registry, but it keeps coming back.

Everytime I try to open a webpage this prize minus pages is being opened.
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Hi all

I hope you´re having a somewhat better Monday than me...

I somehow seem to have caught what seems like a malicious virus to me. My virus program does not detect it as such and I have already googled it and performed all the recommended steps to remove it from my computer and all the browsers I´m using, including the hard drive and the registry, but it keeps coming back.

Everytime I try to open a webpage this prize minus pages is being opened.

HELP. It´s extremely annoying and seems to take it´s toll on my laptop as well as it´s cooling and cooling and cooling...

Thanks for any help you can give me.


Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 19:57
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Wait a bit Jun 15, 2015

If it's very new, it could be simply that your AV (anti-virus) software doesn't yet know about it. I regularly receive emails with a virus in the attachment. Sometimes I download (never open!) the attachment to my hard disk and ask my anti-virus prog (AVG free in my case) to examine it. Usually the malware is not detected until about a day after the email was sent. Therefore, at least make sure that your AV is frequently updated.

Manuela Junghans
Manuela Junghans  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:57
წევრი (2004)
ინგლისური -> გერმანული
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თემის ავტორი
Hi Oliver Jun 15, 2015

I just replied to your post, but even that seems to be disrupted...

Thanks first of all for your quick reply.

My AV software (paid) cannot detect any problems, but the problem very obviously persists.

So what you suggest is that I simply wait it out till tomorrow or so, whether the AV software will remove it then?

Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons)
Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons)
ინგლისური -> იტალიური
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Malware removers Jun 15, 2015


Have you tried installing some free malware removers as indicated in this link?

Manuela Junghans
Manuela Junghans  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:57
წევრი (2004)
ინგლისური -> გერმანული
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თემის ავტორი
Hi Guiseppina Jun 15, 2015

Thanks for your post.

No, I have not tried any of those, since by now I´m so on edge that I think with every new click I will open another can of worms.

Has anyone tried any of those free malware removers and can recommend a particular one?

Rolf Keller
Rolf Keller
Local time: 20:57
ინგლისური -> გერმანული
Deactivate browser add-on(s) Jun 15, 2015

Manuela Junghans wrote:

Everytime I try to open a webpage this prize minus pages is being opened.

So the very first action should be this: Check the list of add-ons in your browser (Extras nemu?). Maybe just a click on "Deactivate" kills the advertizing add-on.

Christel Zipfel
Christel Zipfel  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:57
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I have currently installed Anti-Malwarebyte Jun 15, 2015

It's a known anti-malware, so you can safely use it. But it may not be enough to solve your problem. I had recently a similar problem, and it's indeed extremely annoying and it can sometimes be very hard to get rid of it. I don't remember though how I finally managed, but I had to use different tools.
You could also try Iobit Uninstaller which helps you to uninstall completely toolbars, too, like any other program installed on your computer.

The link posted by Giuseppina se
... See more
It's a known anti-malware, so you can safely use it. But it may not be enough to solve your problem. I had recently a similar problem, and it's indeed extremely annoying and it can sometimes be very hard to get rid of it. I don't remember though how I finally managed, but I had to use different tools.
You could also try Iobit Uninstaller which helps you to uninstall completely toolbars, too, like any other program installed on your computer.

The link posted by Giuseppina seems to be genuine so I dare to say you can safely follw the steps indicated.

Good luck!

Manuela Junghans
Manuela Junghans  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:57
წევრი (2004)
ინგლისური -> გერმანული
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თემის ავტორი
Thanks Jun 15, 2015

Christel and Guiseppina

At the moment it seems to be under control, or at least I´d like to think so.

I used the first of the malware programs in the article suggested by Guiseppina. If this has no lasting effect I will carry on with some of the other programs you have suggested.

I´ll keep my fingers crossed that the next few days will be a bit less stressful.

Enjoy your evening everyone and many thanks again.


Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons)
Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons)
ინგლისური -> იტალიური
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Yes, they are safe Jun 18, 2015

Manuela Junghans wrote:

Christel and Guiseppina

At the moment it seems to be under control, or at least I´d like to think so.

I used the first of the malware programs in the article suggested by Guiseppina. If this has no lasting effect I will carry on with some of the other programs you have suggested.

I´ll keep my fingers crossed that the next few days will be a bit less stressful.

Enjoy your evening everyone and many thanks again.


Manuela, hope you solved your issue. I have installed, as Christel, Antimalwarebyte and used it for many years. Never had a problem.

Best of luck!


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How to remove prize minus malware/spyware?

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