გვერდების რაოდენობა თემაში: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] > | Suggestions for Translation Office 3000 (TO3000), Version 10 თემის ავტორი: Aleksandr Dyatlov (AIT)
| Emma Goldsmith ესპანეთი Local time: 06:03 წევრი (2004) ესპანური -> ინგლისური Your replies to my suggestions | Jul 22, 2011 |
Hi Aleksandr,
Thanks for your helpful answers.
Aleksandr Dyatlov (AIT) wrote:
we would like to suggest you to customize a color of jobs and projects that have deadlines in the feature. For example, if green color is acceptable for you but it is hard to read such projects/jobs with dark blue selection, you can change this color to light-green. Thereafter titles of jobs will become more readable. You can change colors of statuses in Settings > Personal > ‘Colors: Statuses’.
Yes, to solve the problem of not being able to read the font in the active row, I had tried out the colour status possibilities. Making the green text a lighter green doesn't help because when this text is not in the active row (i.e. when it has a white or pale background) it's even harder to see. However, I have just discovered that you can adjust the colour of the active bar itself, and that has solved my problem.
TO3000 operates with Gaussian rounding.
I see. So this is a problem when an agency uses arithmetic rounding in their online project management system. They of course insist that my invoice reflects their figures, so I have no other option but to use a "flat fee" type of pricing in the TO3000 client job window.
The same problem occurs for my Spanish tax accounting, which I use Excel for. If I just transfer the taxable base of the invoice to Excel, the rounding for 18% VAT is also arithmetic in Excel so it doesn't match the TO3000 invoice VAT.
However, I have found a workaround by changing Excel rounding to a VBA user-defined function (because VBA uses Gaussian rounding). If anyone's interested to learn how to do it, I followed a very good video here:
Edit: Of course, it would be much simpler if TO3000 offered the option of arithmetic rounding in order to be compatible with most agencies' systems and with Excel too...
you can mark all potential clients with a blue flag, all accepted clients with a green flag, etc. To mark a client with a flag, please click on a cell opposite a client’s name and choose an appropriate color of the flag.
Instead of having a potential clients' folder, the flag system you suggest will work fine.
Thanks very much for all your detailed replies,
[Edited at 2011-07-22 06:31 GMT]
[Edited at 2011-07-22 07:34 GMT] | | | Rob Grayson გაერთიანებული სამეფო Local time: 05:03 ფრანგული -> ინგლისური Cloning jobs/projects | Jul 22, 2011 |
Hi Aleksandr,
I am just doing some invoices before going on holiday, and this has made me realise another idea. It would be very useful if it was possible to duplicate or "clone" an existing job. For example, I have a client who gives me several jobs each month which are very similar but need to be recorded separately as they have different job numbers. It would be very handy to be able to create one job and then just clone this several times and make the necessary changes, rather t... See more Hi Aleksandr,
I am just doing some invoices before going on holiday, and this has made me realise another idea. It would be very useful if it was possible to duplicate or "clone" an existing job. For example, I have a client who gives me several jobs each month which are very similar but need to be recorded separately as they have different job numbers. It would be very handy to be able to create one job and then just clone this several times and make the necessary changes, rather than having to create each job from scratch.
The ability to duplicate/clone projects in the same way might also be useful.
Rob ▲ Collapse | | | Alex Lago ესპანეთი Local time: 06:03 ინგლისური -> ესპანური + ...
I agree with most of the other suggestions and have a few of my own:
Be able to have more than one rate per job (i.e. if I want to invoice 3000 words and 2 hours formatting on the same job).
Have all drop down lists in alphabetical order (specially the contacts).
Make it a lot easier to set up queries and reports, with the current system only people familiar with SQL can create queries and even then as we don’t have access to all the field names it is impossible to do.... See more I agree with most of the other suggestions and have a few of my own:
Be able to have more than one rate per job (i.e. if I want to invoice 3000 words and 2 hours formatting on the same job).
Have all drop down lists in alphabetical order (specially the contacts).
Make it a lot easier to set up queries and reports, with the current system only people familiar with SQL can create queries and even then as we don’t have access to all the field names it is impossible to do.
Make “time used” a set field for jobs. ▲ Collapse | | | Ulf Samuelsson მექსიკა Local time: 23:03 წევრი (2007) ინგლისური -> შვედური + ... Easier registration of payments | Jul 25, 2011 |
Apart from other improvements already mentioned, I would like to propose an easier registration of payments received.
It shouldn't be too complicated to add a button for Payment on the page for Invoices to clients. For instance, if a certain invoice is selected and you click on "Payment", then you're automatically taken to the Payment page for that client with the correct amount already filled in and the invoice already linked. That would save a lot of time when entering payments, a... See more Apart from other improvements already mentioned, I would like to propose an easier registration of payments received.
It shouldn't be too complicated to add a button for Payment on the page for Invoices to clients. For instance, if a certain invoice is selected and you click on "Payment", then you're automatically taken to the Payment page for that client with the correct amount already filled in and the invoice already linked. That would save a lot of time when entering payments, and shouldn't be too complicated to program as all the necessary information is in the selected invoice. ▲ Collapse | |
Pavel Janoušek ჩეხეთის რესპუბლიკა Local time: 06:03 წევრი (2007) გერმანული -> ჩეხური + ... A big YES to cloning | Jul 25, 2011 |
Rob Grayson wrote:
The ability to duplicate/clone projects in the same way might also be useful.
Hi Aleksandr,
Thank you so much for your answers! I am looking forward to the new version of your great tool.
Cloning jobs would be a very useful feature. Please include at least this one 
Rob, thanks for mentioning it. | | | Natalie პოლონეთი Local time: 06:03 წევრი (2002) ინგლისური -> რუსული + ... ამ ფორუმის მოდერატორი SITE LOCALIZER more than one rate per job - yes, please! | Jul 25, 2011 |
Alex Lago wrote:
Be able to have more than one rate per job (i.e. if I want to invoice 3000 words and 2 hours formatting on the same job).
I also often have similar cases: e.g. proofreading + post-DTP checking, or translation + reconciliation, etc.
So having such an option would be very very useful!
Natalia | | |
Dear colleagues,
Thank you for your suggestions.
Please find the answers below.
Jabberwock wrote:
Yes, but most of my invoices are bilingual (English for the client, Polish for the tax authorities), so if I switch languages, I would then have the same problem with English...
In this case we would like to suggest you to use conditional constructs (see the post of Aleksandr Yarosevich) to replace certain English words with their Polish translations in the required places of your RTF templates.
Emma Goldsmith wrote:
However, I have just discovered that you can adjust the colour of the active bar itself, and that has solved my problem.
Yes, you can solve the problem in such way as well.
Emma Goldsmith wrote:
Edit: Of course, it would be much simpler if TO3000 offered the option of arithmetic rounding in order to be compatible with most agencies' systems and with Excel too...
Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider the possibility to implement such option in the next version of TO3000.
Emma Goldsmith wrote:
Instead of having a potential clients' folder, the flag system you suggest will work fine.
Yes, you may use either flags or create a custom field for this purpose.
Rob Grayson wrote:
I am just doing some invoices before going on holiday, and this has made me realise another idea. It would be very useful if it was possible to duplicate or "clone" an existing job. For example, I have a client who gives me several jobs each month which are very similar but need to be recorded separately as they have different job numbers. It would be very handy to be able to create one job and then just clone this several times and make the necessary changes, rather than having to create each job from scratch.
The ability to duplicate/clone projects in the same way might also be useful.
Pavel Janoušek wrote:
Cloning jobs would be a very useful feature. Please include at least this one
Cloning jobs feature already exists in TO3000. You can find out it on Tree tab of Projects > Project window. To clone a job, select it on Tree tab and click Clone button.
We will consider the possibility to implement such feature for projects too.
By the way, you can clone clients as well as jobs clicking Clone button in Clients > Client window > Main tab.
Alex Lago wrote:
Be able to have more than one rate per job (i.e. if I want to invoice 3000 words and 2 hours formatting on the same job).
Natalie wrote:
I also often have similar cases: e.g. proofreading + post-DTP checking, or translation + reconciliation, etc.
In such case we suggest you to create a project and then create several jobs with different services and/or rates inside this project.
1. Lets say you have received a job “Mac OS X translation_Part 3” and you need to invoice 3000 word and 2 hours formatting. In this case we would like to suggest you to create a project “Mac OS X translation_Part 3” and then two client jobs “Mac OS X translation_Part 3_words” and “Mac OS X translation_Part 3_hours”. The differences between these jobs are different rates (one rate is in words and another one is in hours). Then you will be able to invoice both jobs. By the way, if you want, you can have the same names of jobs in a project.
2. Lets say you received a job “Volkswagen New Beatle brochure” and you will make a proofreading and DTP checking of this job. In this case we would like to suggest you to create a project “Volkswagen New Beatle brochure” and then two client jobs “Volkswagen New Beatle brochure” and “Volkswagen New Beatle brochure”. The differences between these jobs are different groups of services (the first job has the group of services “Proofreading” and the second job has the group of services “DTP checking”).
I would like to notice that if you have similar jobs inside a single project, you can use Clone button in Tree tab of Projects > Project window to clone jobs and in this way simplify your workflow with TO3000.
Alex Lago wrote:
Have all drop down lists in alphabetical order (specially the contacts).
Alex, thank you for your suggestion. We will consider the possibility to implement it in the next version of the program.
Alex Lago wrote:
Make it a lot easier to set up queries and reports, with the current system only people familiar with SQL can create queries and even then as we don’t have access to all the field names it is impossible to do.
Could you please specify what problems with access to field names in custom reports you currently have?
Alex Lago wrote:
Make “time used” a set field for jobs.
Could you please describe more detail what you mean?
Ulf Samuelssonwrote:
Apart from other improvements already mentioned, I would like to propose an easier registration of payments received.
It shouldn't be too complicated to add a button for Payment on the page for Invoices to clients. For instance, if a certain invoice is selected and you click on "Payment", then you're automatically taken to the Payment page for that client with the correct amount already filled in and the invoice already linked. That would save a lot of time when entering payments, and shouldn't be too complicated to program as all the necessary information is in the selected invoice.
Ulf, thank you for your suggestion. We will consider the possibility to implement such option in the next version of TO3000.
By the way, currently you can use Mass Payment option on Clients > Payments from Client window to make payments for a number of client in the automated way.
Best regards,
Aleksandr Dyatlov,
AIT Software Development Team
[Edited at 2011-07-27 13:03 GMT]
[Edited at 2011-07-27 13:24 GMT] | | | Rob Grayson გაერთიანებული სამეფო Local time: 05:03 ფრანგული -> ინგლისური
Aleksandr Dyatlov (AIT) wrote:
Rob Grayson wrote:
I am just doing some invoices before going on holiday, and this has made me realise another idea. It would be very useful if it was possible to duplicate or "clone" an existing job. For example, I have a client who gives me several jobs each month which are very similar but need to be recorded separately as they have different job numbers. It would be very handy to be able to create one job and then just clone this several times and make the necessary changes, rather than having to create each job from scratch.
The ability to duplicate/clone projects in the same way might also be useful.
Pavel Janoušek wrote:
Cloning jobs would be a very useful feature. Please include at least this one
Cloning jobs feature already exists in TO3000. You can find out it on Tree tab of Projects > Project window. To clone a job, select it on Tree tab and click Clone button.
We will consider the possibility to implement such feature for projects too.
Thanks for this, Aleksandr. The "Tree" tab is something I have never looked at. It would be good if a "Clone" button were also added to the "Client jobs" tab of the project window. I suspect that many people, like me, are not aware of this function because they don't use the "Tree" tab. | |
Darko Kolega ხორვატია Local time: 06:03 წევრი (2009) გერმანული -> ხორვატული + ...
I just started with TO 3000; at first sight I was a bit sad, but after discovering some great features it become interesting, especially with balances and invoicing. However, there is an issue I cannot solve = languages; I cannot add my languages (Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian....so my tasks have wrong language pairs as there are only a certain languages selectable. Am I missing something or there are still not all languages implemented,....
thanks for answer
Darko | | | Language pairs in TO3000 | Aug 4, 2011 |
Dear Rob and Darko,
Please find the answers below.
Rob Grayson wrote:
It would be good if a "Clone" button were also added to the "Client jobs" tab of the project window.
Rob, thank you for your suggestion. We will consider the possibility to add Clone button to Client Jobs tab as well.
Darko Kolega wrote:
However, there is an issue I cannot solve = languages; I cannot add my languages (Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian....so my tasks have wrong language pairs as there are only a certain languages selectable. Am I missing something or there are still not all languages implemented,....
Darko, you can add any language pairs to TO3000. For this click Settings > Business > Services > New button, find an appropriate group of services (it can be translation, proofreading, DTP, etc.) and specify the required service, i.e. in your case it will be a language pair.
Best regards,
Aleksandr. | | | LEXpert შეერთებული შტატები Local time: 23:03 წევრი (2008) ხორვატული -> ინგლისური + ... AnyCount settings? | Aug 5, 2011 |
How about the ability to change settings for the embedded AnyCount engine? As far as I've been able to figure out, there is no direct interface to AnyCount - if I simply want to do a count outside the scope of a job, I can't - I have to start a dummy quote or job and then do the count from within it. That itself isn't too cumbersome, but I've never been able to find the AnyCount settings (if any) in TO3000, and it's always undercounting my Word files by about 10%. | | | AnyCount settings | Aug 5, 2011 |
Dear Rudolf,
To change AnyCount settings in TO3000, please click Settings > Personal > AnyCount. There you will be able to change both common AnyCount settings and settings for each supported file format.
Also could you please specify in what sections of TO3000 you need AnyCount as well? Simply AnyCount has been added to New/Edit Quote and New/Edit Client Job windows because these are windows which requires word count for their fields. If you require AnyCount somewhere ... See more Dear Rudolf,
To change AnyCount settings in TO3000, please click Settings > Personal > AnyCount. There you will be able to change both common AnyCount settings and settings for each supported file format.
Also could you please specify in what sections of TO3000 you need AnyCount as well? Simply AnyCount has been added to New/Edit Quote and New/Edit Client Job windows because these are windows which requires word count for their fields. If you require AnyCount somewhere else, we will be thankful if will you write us these places.
Best regards,
Aleksandr Dyatlov,
AIT Software Development Team ▲ Collapse | |
Natalie პოლონეთი Local time: 06:03 წევრი (2002) ინგლისური -> რუსული + ... ამ ფორუმის მოდერატორი SITE LOCALIZER
Many times have I heard that in the older TO3000 versions everything was organized by client (which is much more convenient for freelancers), and not by project (which is better for translation companies).
Is there any chance that in the next version(s) you could give the users a possibility to choose between "by client" and "by project" organization?
Natalia | | | "By client" and "By project" organization of TO3000 v10 | Aug 11, 2011 |
Dear Natalia,
Thank you for your suggestion.
In the next version of TO3000 we are planning to make projects optional and we will consider the possibility to allow changing of the folder structure to "by client" organization.
Best regards,
Aleksandr Dyatlov,
AIT Software Development Team | | | Natalie პოლონეთი Local time: 06:03 წევრი (2002) ინგლისური -> რუსული + ... ამ ფორუმის მოდერატორი SITE LOCALIZER | გვერდების რაოდენობა თემაში: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » Suggestions for Translation Office 3000 (TO3000), Version 10 Anycount & Translation Office 3000 | Translation Office 3000
Translation Office 3000 is an advanced accounting tool for freelance translators and small agencies. TO3000 easily and seamlessly integrates with the business life of professional freelance translators.
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Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.
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