Abby FineReader - OSX or Win7?
თემის ავტორი: Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:59
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Mar 11, 2015

Dear colleagues,

I am in the process of switching from Win7 to OS X. I'm using Parallels. I am thinking about buying/upgrading to the most recent version of Abby FineReader. Generally speaking, I would of course prefer to run as much software as possible on OS X rather than on Parallels/Win7. Since I'm still mainly using Studio 2014, my question is whether the output files from the OS X version of Abby FineReader (docx) will be fine within the Win7 ecosystem? Or should I rather keep
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Dear colleagues,

I am in the process of switching from Win7 to OS X. I'm using Parallels. I am thinking about buying/upgrading to the most recent version of Abby FineReader. Generally speaking, I would of course prefer to run as much software as possible on OS X rather than on Parallels/Win7. Since I'm still mainly using Studio 2014, my question is whether the output files from the OS X version of Abby FineReader (docx) will be fine within the Win7 ecosystem? Or should I rather keep FineReader within Win7?

Edit to add: I should have added that I'm using OpenOffice on the Mac side, while I have a MS Office suite on Win7. Does that make any difference?

Many thanks for any hints,
kind regards,

[Bearbeitet am 2015-03-11 09:44 GMT]

Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
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Save as odt Mar 11, 2015

MS Word handles docx files much better than OpenOffice does (obviously, as it is the native program), so if you are opening a docx file then the best program is MS Word, docx files saved in OS X are perfectly compatible with Win 7 so you will have no problem working with them.

However Abby also offers the option to save files in OpenOffice Writer (odt) format so if you want to work in OS X just have Abby save the file as an odt file and work with them in OS X.

[Edited at 2015
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MS Word handles docx files much better than OpenOffice does (obviously, as it is the native program), so if you are opening a docx file then the best program is MS Word, docx files saved in OS X are perfectly compatible with Win 7 so you will have no problem working with them.

However Abby also offers the option to save files in OpenOffice Writer (odt) format so if you want to work in OS X just have Abby save the file as an odt file and work with them in OS X.

[Edited at 2015-03-11 12:44 GMT]

Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:59
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Thanks Mar 11, 2015

Thanks, Alex,

My concern was rather whether Abby will be able to export to docx without a version of MS Office installed. I'm not planning to use OO for work.

So I gather that I'll be fine using Abby on OS X and working with the docx files with Parallels/Studio 2014.

Thanks a lot for confirming this. Apart from that, are there any other issues I might overlook? Are the Win and OS X version of Abby the same in terms of functionality?

Kind regard
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Thanks, Alex,

My concern was rather whether Abby will be able to export to docx without a version of MS Office installed. I'm not planning to use OO for work.

So I gather that I'll be fine using Abby on OS X and working with the docx files with Parallels/Studio 2014.

Thanks a lot for confirming this. Apart from that, are there any other issues I might overlook? Are the Win and OS X version of Abby the same in terms of functionality?

Kind regards,

Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
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Answer Mar 11, 2015

Erik Freitag wrote:
My concern was rather whether Abby will be able to export to docx without a version of MS Office installed. I'm not planning to use OO for work.

As far as I am aware you don't need the program for Abby to save in that format.

Are the Win and OS X version of Abby the same in terms of functionality?

Sorry I've no idea, I use Win version

Tom in London
Tom in London
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Of course Mar 11, 2015

In Abbby for Mac the default output is to a text file, which you can open with just about anything. On the MacOS you can open it with, for instance, TextEdit, which is the WP application that comes as part of the OS. You can also save it as .docx but to do that I think you may have to have Word installed on your computer. Why not ask them?
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In Abbby for Mac the default output is to a text file, which you can open with just about anything. On the MacOS you can open it with, for instance, TextEdit, which is the WP application that comes as part of the OS. You can also save it as .docx but to do that I think you may have to have Word installed on your computer. Why not ask them?

[Edited at 2015-03-11 14:04 GMT]

Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:59
წევრი (2006)
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თემის ავტორი
Thanks Mar 11, 2015

Thanks to both of you!

Tom: I've missed the comparison chart on the Abby Website - thanks!

I'll check with support whether I'll need Office installed.

Thanks again!

Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:59
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MS Office not needed, but limited functionality of OS X version Mar 12, 2015

Just a feedback in case anyone else reads this:

Abby support have confirmed that FineReader doesn't need MS Office to be installed in order to export *.docx files.

They also warned me that the OS X version of FineReader lacks functions the Win version offers.

Thanks again, Alex and Tom.

esperantisto  Identity Verified
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Crossover Mac? Mar 12, 2015

ABBYY FineReader 10 is reported to run under Crossover Mac (a silver medal means that it runs almost as good as under Windows). Perhaps, Crossover is an option to consider.

Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
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Any deal-breakers? Mar 12, 2015

Erik Freitag wrote:
They also warned me that the OS X version of FineReader lacks functions the Win version offers

Here's ABBY's own comparison table:
I can't find any deal-breakers, on the contrary, the Windows version seems to lack batch processing and scripting.


Hans (ABBY FineReader Express 2010 for OS X)


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Abby FineReader - OSX or Win7?

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