698 registrants

ProZ.com's Interpreter Virtual Workshop

Jul 21, 2011

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Results (535) (Members shown first)
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Nita Shah Contact directly
Experienced and dedicated professional
შეერთებული შტატები
Native in გუჯარატი Native in გუჯარატი, ჰინდი Native in ჰინდი
25 years of experience
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Davide Dublanc Contact directly
EU and International Affairs
Native in იტალიური Native in იტალიური
Università IULM, Jagiellonian University, Uniwersytet Jagielloński - Filologia Germańska - Specjalizacja Translatologiczna, GD-Katedra Unesco (Krakow), ASSOINTERPRETI, 19 years of experience
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Pritha Bhatnagar Contact directly
Fr-Eng&Hin since 2006, IT/Mrktg./Engg.
Native in ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური, ჰინდი Native in ჰინდი
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, MA-Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 18 years of experience
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Anne-Charlotte PERRIGAUD Contact directly
IT/Legal/Security Fields, Since 2003
Native in ფრანგული (Variants: International, Standard-France) 
Bio: Anne-Charlotte Perrigaud is a highly successful and experienced Senior Translator and Project Manager. She has eight years of experience as a freelance translator from English into French with her online consultancy, E-FRENCHTRANSLATIONS. Since joining Proz.com in May 2...
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Tatyana Osyka Contact directly
Native in რუსული (Variants: Standard-Kazakhstan, Standard-Ukraine, Standard-Belarus, Standard-Uzbekistan, Standard-Georgia, Standard-Russia, Standard-Latvia, Standard-Kyrgyzstan, Standard-Lithuania) Native in რუსული, უკრაინული (Variant: Standard-Ukraine) Native in უკრაინული
Diploma of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National Universit, Kharkov National University, GD-V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, 20 years of experience
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Elisa Martinez-Aznar Contact directly
MSc MITI CL 15yrs in medical translation
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Native in ესპანური (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in ესპანური
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Imperial College London, MSc Scientific, Technical, Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-MSc in Scientific, Technical and Medical Translation with Translation Technology, Imperial College, London., ITI, ASETRAD, 18 years of experience
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Lubain Masum Contact directly
Experience says it all! 6 yrs with UN
შეერთებული შტატები
Native in ბენგალური Native in ბენგალური
United Nations Information Centre, Dhaka, Banglade, MA-Dhaka University, 28 years of experience
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Andrei Vrabtchev Contact directly
Reliable Translations. Competitive Rates
Native in ბულგარული Native in ბულგარული, ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური
Freelancer and outsourcer
Union of Bulgarian Translators, ATA, 27 years of experience
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Radosveta Golden Contact directly
Nulla dies sine linea
შეერთებული შტატები
Native in ბულგარული Native in ბულგარული
Specialized English Language High School, MA-Paisi Hilendarski University, Plovdiv - Bulgaria, ATA, International Medical Interpreters Association (IMIA), National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC), IAPTI, 24 years of experience
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Berenice Font Contact directly
Spanish Marketing & IT Translator-Editor
Native in ესპანური (Variants: Mexican, Latin American) Native in ესპანური
Bio: I am a polyglot translator and interpreter, currently living in Mexico after having travelled all my youth with my parents in theis diplomatic carreer.
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Daria Belevich Contact directly
Native in რუსული (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in რუსული
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, GD-Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev, 19 years of experience
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Cécile A.-C. Contact directly
Your true language partner
შეერთებული შტატები
Native in პორტუგალური (Variant: Brazilian) Native in პორტუგალური, ფრანგული (Variant: Standard-France) Native in ფრანგული
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, MA-Universidade Domitia - Perpignan - France, ATA, 26 years of experience
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Dhiraj Khati Contact directly
I am ready...
Native in ნეპალური Native in ნეპალური
Tribhuwan University, 18 years of experience
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Martin Janda Contact directly
Medical xlations with a properBackground
ჩეხეთის რესპუბლიკა
Native in ჩეხური Native in ჩეხური
Bio: En<>Czech Conference Interpreter for 15 years - Medical, IT & More
Message: Hi Prozians! Looking forward to meet you in this little part of the cyberspace.
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Sarah Michel Contact directly
Carpe diem
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Native in ინგლისური (Variant: British) Native in ინგლისური
Bio: I had been working as a translator in my free time for 10 years till July 1st this year, when I took the dive and went completely self-employed. Since then, I have been working from my home office in North London doing telephone interpreting and translating. I love my ...
Message: Looking forward to exchanging experiences and info. I just started working on the phone for German/ English/ German and Inodnesian/English/ Indonesian C ya!
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Ahmad Kabiri Contact directly
Top quality is just one step away!
Native in ირანული (სპარსული) Native in ირანული (სპარსული)
MA-University of Isfahan, 13 years of experience
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Stefan Schilling Contact directly
Translator (MA, MITI) / Accountant
Native in გერმანული (Variant: Germany) Native in გერმანული
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, University of Salford, MA-University of Salford, ITI, 16 years of experience
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Abdelmonem Samir Contact directly
your Arabic language partner
Native in არაბული Native in არაბული
Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network), BA-Linguistics and Translation, Helwan Uni., ATN / APTS, WATA, 20 years of experience
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Marjorie Yerushalmi Contact directly
Native in ფრანგული Native in ფრანგული
Bio: EN/FR/EN Interpreter ISIT
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Nicole Y. Adams, M.A. Contact directly
Native in ინგლისური (Variants: US, British, Australian, UK) Native in ინგლისური, გერმანული (Variants: Bavarian, Germany) Native in გერმანული
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, TAFE Queensland, German Courts, Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, MA-University of Reading, UK, ATA, CIOL, BDÜ, AUSIT, 21 years of experience
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Pawel Michniak Contact directly
Law & clinical trials comprehensively
Native in პოლონური Native in პოლონური
University of Silesia, MA-University of Silesia, 26 years of experience
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Peter Senizza Contact directly
Native in იტალიური Native in იტალიური, სლოვენური Native in სლოვენური
Bio: 10 years of professional experience as interpreter at over 270 events. I have interpreted in various European cities such as, among others, Brussels, Rome, Milan, Venice, Bologna, Trieste, Udine, Gorizia, Ljubljana, Brdo pri Kranju, Koper, Maribor, Celje, Klagenfurt.
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Mette Bærbach Bas Contact directly
Danish translator - delivery on time
Native in დანიური Native in დანიური
MA-Aarhus Universitet, Danmark, 17 years of experience
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Sonja Kitanovska Contact directly
Absolutely reliable and professional
მაკედონია (ყოფილი იუგოსლავიის რესპ.)
Native in მაკედონური Native in მაკედონური
Message: Looking forward to learn more!
Checked in
Matt Petrowski Contact directly
ProZ.com Systems Administrator/Developer
შეერთებული შტატები
Native in ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური
17 years of experience
Patrice Contact directly
Translated with precision and style
შეერთებული შტატები
Native in ინგლისური (Variants: Canadian, US) Native in ინგლისური
Bio: M.A. (Trad.), M.A. (Journ.), trained script supervisor.
Milagros Chapital Contact directly
Senior Uruguayan Translator 1979 - 2023
Native in ესპანური Native in ესპანური
Bio: Traductora Pública en Idioma Inglés de la UDELAR, con 30 años de experiencia como Traductora Pública. Obtuvo su primer diploma como Traductor e Intérprete Consecutivo en el Instituto de Lenguas Modernas, Washington, D.C. Posee asimismo un Diploma en Derecho Anglosa...
Donatella Cifola Contact directly
DE/EN/FR>IT Med/Pharma, Legal, Marketing
Native in იტალიური Native in იტალიური
Bio: Professional Translator and Interpreter
DE - EN - FR > IT
Language Teacher
Ieva Kupruka Contact directly
Words are the most influential power..
Native in ლატვური Native in ლატვური
Latvia: LAC, BA-Latvian Academy of Culture, 27 years of experience
Raquel Bautista Valbuena Contact directly
IT, EN > ES. Fashion and luxury goods.
Native in ესპანური Native in ესპანური
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de León (Spain), BA-Universidad de León, AITI, ASETRAD, 21 years of experience
Patricia Verdaguer Contact directly
IT, Technical and Pharmaceutical special
Native in ესპანური Native in ესპანური
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, studied English in the US. Currently living in Mexico City. English Spanish English Interpreter for 20 years.
Message: It is a real pleasure to be with you here, hope we can share some experiences and learn new tips.
Eleonora Imazio Contact directly
Native in იტალიური Native in იტალიური
Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, 16 years of experience
Ana Reis-Rogers Contact directly
Quality with a smile :) IoL qualified
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Native in პორტუგალური Native in პორტუგალური
Ual - Universidade do Algarve- Portugal, Chartered Institute of Linguists, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), BA-Universidade do Algarve, ITI, NWTN - North-West Translator's Network, APT- Associa��o Portuguesa de Tradutores, Translation for Business Wales, CIOL, 20 years of experience
Manuela Junghans Contact directly
Personalised services - 24/7
Native in გერმანული Native in გერმანული
Freelancer and outsourcer
SDI Munich (Sprachen- und Dolmetscherinstitut), BA-Sprachen-und Dolmetscherinstitut Munich/Germany, 22 years of experience
Mohammed Fahim Contact directly
The language bridge
Native in ტამილური (Variants: India, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Malaysia) Native in ტამილური, სინგალური (Sinhalese) Native in სინგალური (Sinhalese)
Freelancer and outsourcer
Translation and Interpretation University of Kelaniya, OTHER-University of Kelaniya, 27 years of experience
Nguyen Dieu Contact directly
IT, Finance, Game and Automotive Trans
Native in ვიეტნამური Native in ვიეტნამური
BA of English, BA-Hanoi University_Translation studies, Vietnamese translators, 25 years of experience
Mika Shikase Contact directly
Experienced JTF-Certified Translator
Native in იაპონური Native in იაპონური
Japan Translation Federation Incorporated, Fellow Academy and Interschool, Legal/Business/Political contents, 35 years of experience
Guilherme R Basilio Contact directly
Translator✔ Transcreator✔ Copywriter✔
Native in პორტუგალური Native in პორტუგალური, ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური
Bio: www.transconsult.com.br

Faithful, quality translations provided to meet the highest excellence standards and 100% timeliness.
Successful professional career in general administration and human resources, mostly in top transnational corporations, from trainee to dire...
Andriy Yasharov Contact directly
Life Sciences Translator and Editor
Native in რუსული (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in რუსული, უკრაინული (Variant: Standard-Ukraine) Native in უკრაინული
Bio: More than 3 years as an interpreter of English, Russian and Ukrainian.
Message: Hello everybody,
I hope it will be a very interesting event.
Michal Glowacki Contact directly
MA MCIL MITI / Words that work for YOU
Native in პოლონური Native in პოლონური
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Chartered Institute of Linguists, University of Wales, University of Warsaw, MA-Department of Translation and Digital Communication, Swansea University, ITI, CIOL, 19 years of experience
Ekaterina Markova Contact directly
High-Quality and Fast Translations
Native in რუსული Native in რუსული
Union of Translators of Russia, MA-Lomonosov Moscow State University, ATA, UTR, 24 years of experience
Tetyana Dytyna Contact directly
Financial statements and audit reports
Native in უკრაინული Native in უკრაინული
M.A. I.Franko National University, MA-Lviv National University, 22 years of experience
Evina Utami Contact directly
Glocalization made better.
Native in ინდონეზიური Native in ინდონეზიური, იავანური (Variants: Krama / Kromo, Ngoko (Informal)) Native in იავანური
Bio: Indonesian freelance interpreter.
Elvana Moore Contact directly
Experienced and accurate
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Native in ალბანური Native in ალბანური, ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური
University of Tirana, Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-Chartered Institute of Linguists (Education Trust), ITI, CIOL, NRPSI, 29 years of experience
muqingying Contact directly
computer science bacckground
Native in ჩინური Native in ჩინური
CATTI, BA- national defense university, 17 years of experience
Mara Ballarini Contact directly
Translator, interpreter and teacher
Native in იტალიური Native in იტალიური
Ruhr-Universität Bochum - DSH, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), GD-Agenzia formativa TuttoEuropa, AUSIT, 20 years of experience
Laurel Clausen Contact directly
Professionally Qualified Trans/Interp
შეერთებული შტატები
Native in ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური
Bio: US translator/interpreter with a BA in French and an MSc in Translation & Conference Interpreting, working freelance in France since 2006.
Andrew Little Contact directly
Over 30 years in Indonesian-English
Native in ინგლისური Native in ინგლისური
Bio: Lived in Indonesia and Cambodia. Work mainly in Indonesian-English
Message: Hi there!
Jakub Skřebský Contact directly
translation, voice-over, training
ჩეხეთის რესპუბლიკა
Native in ჩეხური (Variant: Standard-Czech) Native in ჩეხური
NIHSSIS, 21 years of experience
Tanya Toneva Contact directly
Have your say translated!
Native in ბულგარული Native in ბულგარული
Freelancer and outsourcer
20 years of experience