Deleting tables and large portions of text
თემის ავტორი: Nicholas Stedman
Nicholas Stedman
Nicholas Stedman  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:49
ფრანგული -> ინგლისური
Jul 5, 2009

Word 2007 and vista
A very odd problem I have with Word 2007 is that it takes several minutes to delete tables and large portions of text. The tables/text for deletion flicker for about 5 minutes before they finally disappear. This occurs with the delete tab and with Ctrl/X.
The bigger the table the longer it takes.
Can anyone tell me how to rapidly delete large portions of text/tables


Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL  Identity Verified
გაერთიანებული სამეფო
Local time: 23:49
წევრი (2006)
ინგლისური -> პოლონური
+ ...
I have never envountered this particular problem Jul 5, 2009

A solution which I would try at first would be to save a file as a new copy possibly try diferent format - for instance if it is now doc try docx or rtf

I am not sure if it's going to help but it may be worth trying


Vito Smolej
Vito Smolej
Local time: 00:49
წევრი (2004)
ინგლისური -> სლოვენური
+ ...
could it be the display mode? Jul 5, 2009

...The tables/text for deletion flicker for about 5 minutes before they finally disappear...

It sure makes a difference, if some command is executed on a file in a normal or in a page display mode. I just dont know if this applies in the above case.



Local time: 00:49
იტალიური -> გერმანული
+ ...
MS WORD has only limited table capability Jul 7, 2009


With MS WORD 2003 (I don't know about 2007 and Vista) you can only build tables for a maximum of 20000-25000 rows and every editing is VERY slow. Definitely not recommended.

Instead, you may want to:

Use MS EXCEL which can handle & edit very large files and tables; if you have a tab or comma separated file, save it as unicode text and rename it with the extension .xls
in order to open it with EXCEL. After editing, you can save it back as
... See more

With MS WORD 2003 (I don't know about 2007 and Vista) you can only build tables for a maximum of 20000-25000 rows and every editing is VERY slow. Definitely not recommended.

Instead, you may want to:

Use MS EXCEL which can handle & edit very large files and tables; if you have a tab or comma separated file, save it as unicode text and rename it with the extension .xls
in order to open it with EXCEL. After editing, you can save it back as unicode text.

Use a special Text Editor which can handle large files: I know there are some free ones on

Hope that helps!



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Deleting tables and large portions of text

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