Favourite Words
თემის ავტორი: Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:13
პორტუგალური -> ინგლისური
+ ...
Jun 20, 2011

I have just come across a very interesting article in Spanish:


In a nutshell, it says that the most beautiful word in Spanish is "Querétaro", the name of a Mexican city which means "island of the blue salamanders" in some M
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I have just come across a very interesting article in Spanish:


In a nutshell, it says that the most beautiful word in Spanish is "Querétaro", the name of a Mexican city which means "island of the blue salamanders" in some Mexican language (which means that, strictly speaking, it is not a Spanish word but rather Aztec or something) - even so, it has been declared The Most Beautiful Word in Spanish as part of the commemorations of El Día Del Español.

So, my question is: do you have a favourite word in your language(s)? They could be favourites because of the sound, because of the usage or whatever.

Some of my favourites in English:

Eustachean (a tube of the ear) = sounds like Euston Station

Indeed = a quaintly British word that I always try to use in my translations

Albeit (similar to "even though") = an old-fashioned word that still has its place in English

Survene = a verb meaning "to come as an addition to sth"

Somewhat = a typically British word to moderate: "It's somewhat expensive"

Staycation = my favourite of the new words entering the language. It means "a vacation taken in your own country rather than abroad"


apk12  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
ინგლისური -> გერმანული
+ ...
My favorite ;) Jun 20, 2011


Catherine Bielarz (X)
Catherine Bielarz (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
ინგლისური -> ფრანგული
+ ...
My favourite Jun 21, 2011

In English I love "flabbergasted", I just love the sound of it, so British.

I've been to Querétaro ! Though my Mexican friends probably have heard of this, I'll have to make sure that they know !

Britt Laux
Britt Laux  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
გერმანული -> ნორვეგიული
+ ...
My favourite word in German is Jun 21, 2011


because it is so very German, sounds good and describes something nice.

Vera Schoen
Vera Schoen  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
წევრი (2008)
გერმანული -> შვედური
+ ...
My Swedish favourite Jun 21, 2011

One of my favourites is vattenpuss (puddle).
It litterally means "water-kiss" and I find it adorable

In German I really like Samtpfote (velvet paw [cat])
Happy translating!

[edited for typo]

[Edited at 2011-06-21 09:05 GMT]

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
ბოსნია და ჰერცოგოვინა
Local time: 01:13
წევრი (2009)
ინგლისური -> ხორვატული
+ ...
cacahuète Jun 21, 2011

I find this French word for peanut interesting.

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
ბოსნია და ჰერცოგოვინა
Local time: 01:13
წევრი (2009)
ინგლისური -> ხორვატული
+ ...
Blending Jun 21, 2011

Paul Dixon wrote:

Staycation = my favourite of the new words entering the language. It means "a vacation taken in your own country rather than abroad"


Typical blending of two words into one, like infomercial.

You can build up an endless number of words like that, but it's not always pragmatical or aesthetically acceptable.

Mariella Bonelli
Mariella Bonelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
საიტის წევრი
ინგლისური -> იტალიური
+ ...
My German word Jun 21, 2011

My favourite German word has always been "Zwetschgenkuchen". Sounds like rhythmical music to me, not to mention its meaning, a mouth-watering plum cake.

Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak)
Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
ინგლისური -> პოლონური
+ ...
En Jun 21, 2011

serendipities and incandescence

Mateusz Batelt
Mateusz Batelt  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
გერმანული -> პოლონური
+ ...
Cellar door Jun 21, 2011


apk12  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
ინგლისური -> გერმანული
+ ...
Snuffbumble Jun 28, 2011

Just found it in min. 1:12 of the 7th part of "The History of English in 10 Minutes"

love it!

Rebekka Búadóttir
Rebekka Búadóttir  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
ინგლისური -> ისლანდიური
+ ...
The meatwagon Jun 29, 2011

The word "Mietwagen" (rental car) always makes me giggle a little...

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
წევრი (2003)
ფრანგული -> იტალიური
+ ...
My favourite Jun 29, 2011

Anyhow, nowhere


They sound like a music to my ear.

Suzan Hamer
Suzan Hamer  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
+ ...
Sycamore Jun 29, 2011

I've always thought "sycamore" one of the most beautiful words in English. Once, many moons ago, this little ditty popped into my mind: To be sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques" ("Are You Sleeping?": "Jacaranda, Jacaranda. Sycamore? Sycamore?
Mimosa maple poplar, Mimosa maple poplar. Birch beech birch, Birch, beech birch."


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Favourite Words

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