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Could we have a linguistics forum dedicated to English?
თემის ავტორი: RHELLER
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Local time: 21:36
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Oct 22, 2005

To Marcus, Henry, and all those interested in the future of the English language:

Proz is a very exciting website and a lot of discussion is taking place concerning the English language.

Native speakers and non-native speakers alike are interested in following these discussions.

I would like to propose that proz dedicate an area to "house" those discussions. Several of my colleagues are favorable to this idea.

Currently, these discussions are
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To Marcus, Henry, and all those interested in the future of the English language:

Proz is a very exciting website and a lot of discussion is taking place concerning the English language.

Native speakers and non-native speakers alike are interested in following these discussions.

I would like to propose that proz dedicate an area to "house" those discussions. Several of my colleagues are favorable to this idea.

Currently, these discussions are occurring within kudoz questions, limited in space and scope.

Forums afford us the opportunity of intelligent conversation with no peer grading (ouch) and no points.

More importantly, it would be a time-saver - only one place to check for new topics, as opposed to the potentially large number of individual kudoz questions.

I look forward to hearing your responses.

PFB (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:36
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I'll second that Oct 22, 2005

Rita is right to mention there shouldn't be any points, or peer grading: just a place where people exchange ideas in a civilized way.

[Edited at 2005-10-22 14:49]

Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 05:36
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I am for it Oct 22, 2005

as boucry said, just a forum or a place justlike the german place or others. Think the trouble is also that english is very widely distributed language. There will be many interesting variations. Brandis

Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:36
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I'll third it :-) Oct 22, 2005

Sounds good to me.
Could be something ProZ could offer to other major languages too (although I'll chicken out of attempting to suggest what qualifies as a "major" language )

Marcus Malabad
Marcus Malabad  Identity Verified
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English language forum Oct 22, 2005

Hi Rita,

It's ultimately Henry's decision. I could also lend my support if it's a meritorious endeavor. I went back to my original posting when the Ling. forum was opened. It was said in it that this forum is open to any and all types of discussion on all the subfields of Linguistics. It is also a given that the language of discussion is English. Discussions in any other language are
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Hi Rita,

It's ultimately Henry's decision. I could also lend my support if it's a meritorious endeavor. I went back to my original posting when the Ling. forum was opened. It was said in it that this forum is open to any and all types of discussion on all the subfields of Linguistics. It is also a given that the language of discussion is English. Discussions in any other language are subsumed under the respective non-English forum.

A cursory glance at all 6 or so pages of postings in this forum will also reveal that the predominant subject is the English language (followed closely by the psychology of language). So people have already been using this forum for the very purpose you describe. I continue to see no reason for opening a separate forum just for English as we already have one, this one. Even if someone posts an English question about, say, the use of "tu/vous" in the French language, the (English) discussion should remain here. If the question were posted in French, then I'd transfer it to the French forum.

That said, let's see where majority opinion falls. I'll support it either way.


Will Matter
Will Matter  Identity Verified
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Local time: 20:36
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OK Oct 22, 2005

Since Rita proposed it, Philippe "seconded" it, and Charlie "thirded" it, i'm "all four" it. Very good idea in any number of ways. Gives us a spot, some room and, hopefully, avoids (or at least limits) some of the problems associated with trying to do this sort of thing in KudoZ. More freedom, more space, less acrimony. Go, Rita!

sarahl (X)
sarahl (X)
Local time: 20:36
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High five Oct 22, 2005

Yes, I'm all for this. How about we rename the Non-English section to include English as well?

Marcus Malabad
Marcus Malabad  Identity Verified
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poll Oct 22, 2005

Hi folks,

I submitted a poll just now - Do you want a forum dedicated only to the English language: yes/no. Please vote accordingly. Although it's an unscientific and highly informal measure, it will give us a gauge of what a representative group at Proz.com would want.


შეერთებული შტატები
Local time: 21:36
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თემის ავტორი
democracy in action! Oct 22, 2005

thanks Marcus for keeping an open mind

sarahl (X)
sarahl (X)
Local time: 20:36
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Poll Oct 22, 2005


your idea is great, however, the wording may be a tad confusing.
Could you maybe rephrase it to make sure we get accurate results? We have non-English forums, so an English forum may be construed as a forum where people post in English, and we already have gobs of those.


Derek Gill Franßen
Derek Gill Franßen  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:36
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Hmmm... Oct 22, 2005

I can see where the word "linguistics" may not be understood as encompassing general questions about English, but I tend to agree with Marcus on this one.

Perhaps the title of this forum could be amended to include general discussion on the English language.

But, because the default language of the site is English, it may be a bit redundant. Why not take over this forum Rita?

Michele Fauble
Michele Fauble  Identity Verified
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Local time: 21:36
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English Linguistics Oct 22, 2005

I suggest the forum be called "English Linguistics".

Steffen Walter
Steffen Walter  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:36
წევრი (2002)
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Where is this poll? Oct 22, 2005

Marcus Malabad wrote:
Hi folks,
I submitted a poll just now - Do you want a forum dedicated only to the English language: yes/no. Please vote accordingly. Although it's an unscientific and highly informal measure, it will give us a gauge of what a representative group at Proz.com would want.

I don't see any such poll under "pending".



Marcus Malabad
Marcus Malabad  Identity Verified
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case of the errant poll Oct 22, 2005

Steffen Walter wrote:
I don't see any such poll under "pending".

Hmm, I too am puzzled, Steffen. I had just written and submitted it when I wrote my posting above. But I guess this gives us a chance to amend the question as Sarah above suggested. I'll then resubmit it. Everyone, how should we phrase the question? Suggestions highly welcome. Rita?


sarahl (X)
sarahl (X)
Local time: 20:36
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Ideas Oct 22, 2005

English issues
Coffee and tea (more social)

Hey Rita, what kind of name did you have in mind? Academic, laid back, or...?

Sarah Above

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Could we have a linguistics forum dedicated to English?

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